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Northern Folks

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New Member
Ok you know its that time of year to pull the Jetskis out of the garage, fill up the tanks with fuel and check the oil levels and kick the trailer tires and hit that start botton and fog out the neighborhood with exhust smoke. Well are you ready? :cheers:
I'm Ready!! But its too cold...I believe the ice just retreated recently in the Simcoe area of Ontario :-(

But brought the SeaDoo home from the folks garage last night. They wanted 'that thing' out of their way for the Spring. So I'm pumped..First Spring on the '08 and its going to be a great summer!
well i was bringing my seadoo to a guy to do some carb work on mine few weeks ago and i got rear ended. trailer is totaled and the jetpump got messed up on my ski.. big pain for me because i bought a nice new wetsuit and i was ready for some spring riding
nope, no insurance. but the insurance of the guy that hit me will pay for it i think. the process is taking too long tho cuz im ready to get out there!
I was out 3rd Week of March...Dark Skies, 48* Air Temp, 35* Water Temp and 4-6' waves on Lake Erie WOoooooOOOhHHhooooo

Check you tongue bolts....

bigler sorry to hear about your ski. Had something happen to my ski when i was pulling it back to the house and the trailer hit a bump and the hitch came loose and came off the ball the trailer went in the side and the ski kissed the pavement i was about in tears the hitch lock on the under side came loose. but i straghtened the trailer and the ski had minor scraches not anything to get worked up about trim linkage brkoke and re glued it back to gether lokks just like it did. but i regel coated the bottom and took it bake out the other day no problem now i cant get it to start... but thats a wiring / mpem / no spark problem.
I will also be out this weekend it is supposed to be in the the high 80's and Sunday is supposed to be 90:hurray:
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