No spark XP Limited 1999


New Member
Hello, I’ve got a seadoo xp limited 1999 model. I recently got my hands on a used mpem because i lost the other key. The "new" mpem had the exact same numbers written on it as the old one. I believe the "new" mpem came off a gtx or something like that, I will ask the seller. I have found some forum posts saying it is possible that the two mpems arent identical, where one of them have single coil and the other have dual coil. Wouldnt this be marked with a different number? Engine cranks, gauges are on and im hearing two beeps, but no spark.. I did check the magneto, it looked good. I checked all fuses, all good. Could it be as simple as the battery is low? I’m kinda clueless. I was hoping to hear with you guys what you think it could be.
Why didn't you just go to a Seadoo dealer and have them create another key for your jetski? They did that for my 97 XP when I lost the key.
Take the plugs out, place a spark plug line tested inlne with one of the the plug wires and ground both on the grounding studs inside on the ignition box and turn over the engine. If the engine is turning over fast you should have spark too but you can always check for battery voltage during cranking - probably 10.5 at least to 12.xx with no load on the engine during cranking. You can get a cheap inline tester at harbor freight and see the sparking in the glass if the plugs are really sparking or not. If the two mpems had the same numbers on them I think those units would be identical in wiring and function. If you see spark with plugs out this way then reinstall them and crank and watch battery voltage and if over ten you should be getting spark but you can still use that spark tester on them this way to verify. Make sure that plug into the relay box is fully snapped in and clean. Did you have the relay box apart for any reason?
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Why didn't you just go to a Seadoo dealer and have them create another key for your jetski? They did that for my 97 XP when I lost the key.
Take the plugs out, place a spark plug line tested inlne with one of the the plug wires and ground both on the grounding studs inside on the ignition box and turn over the engine. If the engine is turning over fast you should have spark too but you can always check for battery voltage during cranking - probably 10.5 at least to 12.xx with no load on the engine during cranking. You can get a cheap inline tester at harbor freight and see the sparking in the glass if the plugs are really sparking or not. If the two mpems had the same numbers on them I think those units would be identical in wiring and function. If you see spark with plugs out this way then reinstall them and crank and watch battery voltage and if over ten you should be getting spark but you can still use that spark tester on them this way to verify. Make sure that plug into the relay box is fully snapped in and clean. Did you have the relay box apart for any reason?
When you say "turning over fast" do you mean that if it turns over slow, that could cause the no spark situation? The reason i didnt go to the shop, was that i couldnt verify my ownership because the seller didnt have any papers on it.. Havent touched the relay box. By the way, the seller said it might have been underwater, and based on how it looked inside when i split the engine, his theory might be right.. So there is alot that could be the cause here unfortunately..

I dont see why both coils would quit at the same time, so next up to check will be grounds and then inside the magneto cover.

If not that, I will maybe get my hands on a new mpem that is actually a 99 model. I dont know what year mine is, but if it is 98 it will not work i've been told.
The only reason I said to make sure it was turning over fast was to verify you had a good voltage to the starter which would could simply check with a meter on the main power line in the relay box too. If voltage output is too low you may not get a spark so make sure your battery is charged up. So you are saying the mem and engine you got from this GTX may have been underwater but not the XPL you have (with the orignal motor).

I don't know...too many variables and I don't know all the ins and outs with mpem sways but if your XPL was registered you could just take the registration to Seadoo to get a key for your old mpem and put it back in. A registration is as good as ownership papers in most states. If the mpems have the same part number on both I don't know why the replacement wouldn't work since you have a working DSS key with it.

I read a while back on forums that a DSS key from another craft would start some Seadoos but just not allow it to rev high enough to make it useable on the water. Don't know if I beleive it but it was on a forum I read a while back. I'm going to try it when I get time this weekend.
Did you try the GTX DSS key on your XPL with the old mpem before pulling it?

If I recall your old mpem DSS can be bypassed but this gets tricky ...probably threads on the forums on this.

I would first double check that cranking voltage from the battery on the relay connection in the black relay box and make sure you have a strong voltage when cranking before doing anything else.
The only reason I said to make sure it was turning over fast was to verify you had a good voltage to the starter which would could simply check with a meter on the main power line in the relay box too. If voltage output is too low you may not get a spark so make sure your battery is charged up. So you are saying the mem and engine you got from this GTX may have been underwater but not the XPL you have (with the orignal motor).

I don't know...too many variables and I don't know all the ins and outs with mpem sways but if your XPL was registered you could just take the registration to Seadoo to get a key for your old mpem and put it back in. A registration is as good as ownership papers in most states. If the mpems have the same part number on both I don't know why the replacement wouldn't work since you have a working DSS key with it.

I read a while back on forums that a DSS key from another craft would start some Seadoos but just not allow it to rev high enough to make it useable on the water. Don't know if I beleive it but it was on a forum I read a while back. I'm going to try it when I get time this weekend.
Did you try the GTX DSS key on your XPL with the old mpem before pulling it?

If I recall your old mpem DSS can be bypassed but this gets tricky ...probably threads on the forums on this.

I would first double check that cranking voltage from the battery on the relay connection in the black relay box and make sure you have a strong voltage when cranking before doing anything else.
Thanks for much value. I thought my starter sounded weird but didnt check if the shaft was turning by the starter. It was a slow choppy turnover.. It looks like the starter doesnt turn the engine over good afterall. My guess is its engaging and turning just a little bit, but not enough power to turn it. I will get the starter out and check it out. I will check ground first. Any thoughts on what couød be wrong here? Starter problems, soleniod problems etc?
Have you load tested the battery, to verify it is good? Check and see what voltage it is when trying to start it too. You could also take spark plugs out , ground the wires and see if it turns over better.
I have narrowed it down and the problem is the ground cable that goes from the engine to the battery. It is corroded inside and needs to be changed. I took jump cables to the red cable in the back and grounded on the engine instead of using the bad ground cable. Starter fired right up with bright spark.