So picked up a 2000 seadoo gts with a 717 engine. So put new starter, battery, dess post (got it programmed) and some fresh gas thinking that was all…
Well turns out I was wrong.. (what’s new?), that was not all.
So current problems, not getting spark at all. New spark plugs, tested my stator and turns out generating coil was bad. Replaced it and closed it up for good (why?).. STILL no spark
Gages not turning on, can’t hear the beep (heard it when I got the new dess post programmed)
Any help appreciated
Well turns out I was wrong.. (what’s new?), that was not all.
So current problems, not getting spark at all. New spark plugs, tested my stator and turns out generating coil was bad. Replaced it and closed it up for good (why?).. STILL no spark
Gages not turning on, can’t hear the beep (heard it when I got the new dess post programmed)
Any help appreciated