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No Reverse, and no idle without propulsion

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New Member
99 Sportster 1800... Shifter seemed to jam, then it shifted into drive and would idle forward and wouldn't go into reverse. If I wanted to give it some gas, I would have to push hard forward on the shifter then the throttle would move. As soon as I crank it, we start moving forward. No still idle. I haven't gotten in there to take a look yet, but any ideas? Easy fix?
The reverse bucket might have jammed on one of the engines... check the linkage at the back first, try disconnecting the cable that comes through the transom and hooks onto the buckets.
At that point you should be able to move the levers easily, and it should act "normal" ie it shouldn't let you move the FNR lever when throttle is up.

If it still doesn't work right, then you'll need to pull the levers (8 screws down and three to hold on the knobs) and see if anything snapped.
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