New Member
Hi my names Aaron, I've been reading alot of these forums and i guess this is a normal problem however mine may have a little twist. I have had two 98 gts's for about a year one of them has always been hard to get on plane. I found that the only way I could get it to plane was to put it into a hard right turn from the start and do atleast a 90 degree turn steadly giving some gas and then i'm off other wiseit will go no where. Now after reading alot of the forums I thought for sure when I took off the impeller housing that I would find a bad wear ring, but it seems to be fairly new, however I have noticed some other things. As you can see in the picture with what I think is called the shoe. In the upper part of the ring the metal is worn down what i would think would be a considerable amount. The only thing that I could think that would wear that down was the impellor itself. The impellor moves forward and backward quite a bit. Also where the impellor housing meets the boot there was like half sealent on the bottom and none on the top. I've also noticed that i think what is called the stator vaines is missing chunks out of it. Thats about all I know at this point. Hopefully you guys will have some suggestions about this one.
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