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No Power To My SeaDoo Xp Mpem

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New Member
I have a 97 Xp, and it wont start it has no power no beeps or anything, i have been testing wires, and connections, is there a hot wire that plugs into the mpem? i pulled the plugins off the mpem and tested to see if any wires were hot, but didnt find any, my battery is good, and has power, but i cant find any wires with any power, i tried testing all the wires up toward the engine and mpem, and cant find any that have power to it, is there something i need to do to get power up to the mpem? or do i have a short, that is makin the power not get to it? any ideas?
wiring diagram

Need to locate a wiring digram for sure.

When you were testing for power at the mpem did you have the lanyard in? Did you clean the lanyard for good contact. Check fuses in mpem.

Have you tested the battery, seeing if there is power at the solenoid, checking grounds.

Lots of things to check here. Good luck
I located the fuse in the rear electrical box, and it was blown, but i put the new ones in and they also blew, any idea what causes that fuse to blow?
a dead short, check for bad wires, also do not be using a test light while checking those wires....you need to be using a dvm a volt meter only..
I guess my brother took the ski to have it looked at, and the mechanic told him that he ruled everything out, and said the mpem is most likely shot, could that fuze blow from a bad mpem? seems like the fuses on the mpem itself would blow if it was bad? is there a way to test the mpem to see if its bad or not?
on atv's if the cdi box goes bad it will/can blow the fuse, to me the mpem fuse will not be on the unit its self it is the fuse in the box, and if it goes bad can keep blowing the fuse.
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im thinkin its problem the mpem then to, i havent found any shorts anywhere else either, for some reason this 97s mpem is like 3 times as much as ever other year lol, so ill have to check around to find one for a good price, im worried of buying another used one, not knowing if it could have similar problems!, thanks for all your help everyone!, and thank you very much for the quick replys, this is an awesome site.
wish i had it so good

Try pricing out the mpem for 96 challenger. OUCH!!! I just looked at replacement mpems on atlantic jet sport webiste. I think there the ones out of the WSM catalog. Not a bad price. May want to check out ebay though.

I got a smoken deal on a new in the box OEM CDI for my boat for $270.00. Seadoo wants like $780.00 for these. Found some used for like $175.00 (and what condition are they in) then came across this new on on ebay and snatched it up.

If you need the WSM catalogs I have those on PDF. send me a PM with your email addr and I will get hese to you.
Try pricing out the mpem for 96 challenger. OUCH!!! I just looked at replacement mpems on atlantic jet sport webiste. I think there the ones out of the WSM catalog. Not a bad price. May want to check out ebay though.

I got a smoken deal on a new in the box OEM CDI for my boat for $270.00. Seadoo wants like $780.00 for these. Found some used for like $175.00 (and what condition are they in) then came across this new on on ebay and snatched it up.

If you need the WSM catalogs I have those on PDF. send me a PM with your email addr and I will get hese to you.
i think i need a new mpem, were did you get that OEM CDI for $270
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