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no petrol going through the carb

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help please
i just changed all hoses to black one on my sp 96,primed them ,pure some mix oil/petrol in carb ,engine starts ,and stop after a few second ,did it a few time no petrol going trough the carb,battery died, i just check the pop off it was 21-22,i think pop off is fine?
im wondering how carburetor sucking petrol from the tank ,i blow in return line and see petrol coming through the other line but when i connect it to the carb looks like nothing goes through the carb,:confused:
thanks in advance
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Check all the brass fittings and make sure there not clogged. Also clean the filters inside of the carbs. The fuel selector valve will get gummed up too. remove this valve and clean it up real good.

As for priming, Take the spark plugs out and turn the engine over a few times. Install the spark plugs and it should fire up. If not do it a few more times.
Return line.....

If after turning it over like you say, then pulling the return line and you have fuel returning to the tank, that means your pump is working. So, the only other possibility is nswillin's advice......
Just a thought, but is it possible you crossed the fuel lines when replacing them? If not, I agree with dirty internal carb filters. Good luck and please post the solution when you find it. Tim C
thanks for your responds
the carb already rebuilt and its clean as,fuel selector valve clogged on ON, i cant turn the nub to Res or off its always ON ,no problem with that ,i cleaned that too and blow it ,works well,i will change it soon any way,
guys can you please tell me for matter of interest how petrol can goes it self from the tank to carb there no pump on the tank,and with pump by the carb ,its always needs to have gas ready by the carb pump ,so when the needle pop off gas can go through the carb,is that right? i also going to check if lines are in right place im sure they are ,i mark them before take them off,but i ll check again.
Do you have them set properly? Get a full charge on your battery, change your plugs and try again. Use the choke and full throttle until the motor pulls fuel thru the carb circuitry.

When voltage drops below 12-12.4 volts it's tough to get these started.
yes, your right
i swap the line by the carp and Fire,i cant believe i replace those wrong ,and i had ride to day to see if my main problem had been solved ,the issue was going heavily on flat water and as it gets to the rough water,jump and going fast and again after a few sec, die and goes slow,what iv done for solving this problem was,rebuilt the carb,check the pop-off which was 21-22,re lining the fuel line,check the clearance of impeller with a torch, it was about a mm,but i think there is some small cracks on the wear ring,i had a aluminum prop on this jet ski,i took a jet pump to a dealer and he changed it with an stainless steel one,but it was about a mm bigger than the hose so he machined the wear ring and made more room for new impeller to fit in ,it was good,tight ,and good in the water,had no problem until i touched the carb and couldn't adjust it,so i called him and he said the issue is jet pump i need to adjust the impeller ,he did it and at the same time i adjust the carb ,and now iv got a carb adjusted high on 0 and low on 1.1/4,and brown spark plugs which means good carb,i think the problem is with jet pump,i ll remove it and have a look properly on wear ring and impeller ASP,or you guys might have a another suggestion which im happy to hear that.again thanks heaps :cheers:
SS impeller.....

Personally, I'd have not gone with the SS impeller. Especially if it wasn't a fit within the tolerances of the wearing ring. If he had to shave the wearing ring, chances are, it's not the right impeller, which means, it may be the wrong progressive pitch.

I like the aluminum because it can take a hit and just ding, scratch or slightly warp the impeller. The stainless with sling the object out against the wearing ring with enough force that damage to the wearing ring could occur.

The wearing ring has a close tolerance because the jet pump acts as a compressor. It uses the impeller and wearing ring to create a lot of pressure/force behind the nozzle to create thrust.

I haven't seen it but like I said, if he had to shave the wearing ring.......something is'nt right.

Hight speed jets should be at zero unless your modded or at higher altitudes. The low speed should be at 1 1/4 to 1 3/4 or maybe as far out as 2. But, they should both be exact on adjustment.

Your description of the color of the plugs says your burn is good........so, I think the issue may be in the pump.......:cheers:
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