I recently acquired a 97 speedster. I've solved most of the issues it came with but now I can't get the engines to start and it appears no fuel is being drawn into the engine. Some background info: the boat hasn't run since summer 2012, and has had little use prior to that, maybe 200 hrs. Once I replaced the battery, the starboard engine started up no problem, port engine solenoid didnt work so replaced that and starboard engine stared up no problem. But now port engine wont start. Then starboard engine won't start. And then port engine fails to start. I'm assuming they bth just burnt thro whatever fuel was in the engine. Checked fuel filters, ok but small amount if water in water. Emptied both, tried to start both engines again, removed filters again, no gas in either. Checked starboard carb and everything is as clean as new, fuel filter included. So I'm stumped, especially as whatever it is is affecting both engines. Any ideas anyone?