No Electrical Power

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New Member
i have a 96 gti the small 5 amp fuse keeps blowing in the water proof box, don't know what the problem could be..i charged the batt. then started it up it ran for a few minutes then died now it just keeps blowing the fuse.
any body ever had this problem before???? HELP!!!!!!!!!

The 5 amp fuse protects your MPEM (multi-purpose electronic module), 15 amp for your starting system. I need to ask a question. When you put your lanyard key on, what happens? Do you get power to the gages? You will only get this power for 33 seconds before the MPEM shuts the power off. If the mpem is allowing functions to the ski, including a start, then your regulator/rectifier is probably bad sending to many amps through the system. No power to the gages or unable to start, may be a sign of a bad MPEM. Simple test; with your battery at full charge, disconnet the plug on your charging system. Start your motor. If it starts and the fuse doesn't blow, then you've found the culprit. The rectifier/regulator. With the charging system disconnected, you won't be sending any power to your battery, so don't run it too long.
Let me know what you find out.
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Sounds like your mpem may be burnt. Question now is why? If you started and it ran for a few minutes before it died and the fuse blew, then the mpem should be good. The 5 amp fuse is the power supply and the fuse should pop before it over amps the mpem and blows it.
I'll see if there is a test with the multi meter you can do for it.....
BTW, re-read my first post, I edited with more info

If you know how to read resistance with a multi meter, I can help you with your readings. Otherwise, you may think about becoming a premium member so you can have access to the forum library and get this info for yourself. The fee is small and the help is priceless!
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o.k. i tried to start but i still have nothing from the lanyard or round key thing
i jumped the solenoid to get it to turn over but have no spark. i left the plug i think you said to unplug loose, is that the plug that comes from the front of the engine cover?? fuse only blows when that plug is connected..

Yes, the connection on the front cover (magneto) is coming from your charging system. If your saying that when you unplug this plug and roll the engine over, the fuse doesn't pop, then your problem may be in your charging circuit. But you still need to test your mpem (module in the black watertight box).
Can you read a multimeter? Also, if you spin your motor over, your plug wires need to be grounded by either being on the spark plug, or on the grounding lugs on top of the intake manifold.
Let's just hope you've not damaged your mpem. That sucker cost about $600or more to replace!
I really need to know if you can read a multimeter before I go through the long chore of trying to help you test the mpem. If it test o.k., you'll also need to know how to test the magneto and regulator/rectifier system.
You've obviously got a bad component or something grounded. If the electrical system takes damage, just about anything you'd have to buy wouldn't justify the price compared to the worth of the Doo.
Good luck!
The reason the fuse only blows when the harness is plugged into the front
of the engine is because that is where SeaDoo grounds the MPEM electrical box. This is not good news because the only time I've ever seen this happen always meant the MPEM was internally shorted to ground and would blow the 5 amp fuse as soon as it was installed. I've been told that the MPEM shorts out because of people using jumper boxes to start the ski instead of charging the battery or replacing a defective battery.

Good Luck, DAWG

I agree with Dennis. The test I'm looking at doing with you is to try and isolate where the problem is. I'm trying to not read to much into it till we test it because of the replacement cost.
But Dennis is right. It does seem like your mpem is gonna be bad.
well first of all this may be where the problem is,i did charge the batt in the ski and i did boost it.. i think that was badd. but it did start and run for a few minutes then just quit...yes i can read a multi meter. i am some what mech. inclined. i work on jeeps not jet ski's...this thing is worth fixing it only has 54hours on it since new.and we have owned it the entire time..i really appreciate any and all help you guys are giving me..go ahead and hit me with the mpem test how to.. i will test it and if it is cooked then we'll go from there. is the mpem like the power pack on an outboard? i don't know what it's function is. really thanks for all your help...
Yes, the mpem is the main power control unit on the doo. It controls all the power to and from everything from the guages, to the start button. I'm sure someone will have an answer for you tomorrow... cause it's almost that magical time on the get off line and have some fun...
Have a happy New Year...
MPEM Test....

Yes, the mpem (multi-purpose electronic module) is similar to the power pack of an outboard. It has several more functions than the power pack but it’s similar. Years ago, we would refer to these components as the “brain” of our motors. The mpem receives its current from the battery. Its functions include the rev limiter, an integrated delay timer, which cuts off the power after 33 seconds of non use when the lanyard cap has been installed. It interprets and distributes information to the control features of the engine.

The primary cause of burning the 5 amp fuse normally means the starter solenoid is bad.

One more thing. You’ve not described any beeps from your DESS (digital electronic security system) lanyard when placing on your post. With a good battery, when you put the lanyard cap on your post, you should hear 2 short beeps. This means all is well and the engine is ready to start. If you don’t hear any beeps, then you may have a DESS problem. This lanyard cap has a ROM chip in it which is essentially an encrypted key for your specific PWC. This protects it from theft. If the mpem is bad, when placing the cap on the post, you should hear 8 short beeps. If you’re the original owner, then do you remember the beeps when it ran?
You can jump across the solenoid and turn the engine over all day long, but the mpem will keep it from starting if your lanyard cap or post is bad.
With the battery fully charged and you put on the lanyard cap, do you hear anything?.........if not, then this is really where we should be starting from. But the test parameters for the mpem are to follow, so go ahead and check it too.

Here is a list of results you should get from testing your mpem on the 717cc rotax. Make sure you have all the wires completely disconnected or damage to your meter can occur.

METER + ...........................METER - ................................Value

RED........................................RED........................................< 1 OHM
(ring terminal)......................(female terminal)

RED....................................RED/PURPLE.................................< 1 OHM
(ring terminal)......................(female terminal)

RED.......................................BLACK......................................> 20K OHM
(ring terminal)......................(ring terminal)

BLACK/RED..............................BLACK.....................................> 10K OHM
........................................(ring terminal)

WHITE/GREY............................BLACK.................................... >100K OHM
........................................(ring terminal)

TAN/BLACK..............................BLACK.....................................>200K OHM
........................................(ring terminal)

YELLOW/RED............................BLACK.....................................> 10K OHM
(female terminal)..................(ring terminal)

YELLOW/RED............................BLACK.....................................> 50K OHM
(male terminal).....................(ring terminal)

BLACK.....................................RED........................................> 10K OHM
(ring terminal).......................(ring terminal)

Sorry for the long post but trouble shooting an electrical problem is time consuming. In reading the manual, it does seem that you may have 2 problems. First, the lanyard cap and post may not be making the contact required to communicate with the mpem. Second, the solenoid may be the source of your blowing 5 amp fuse.
This post should give you enough information to reply to us so that we know where to go next. Let us know how you come out. We’re here to help!
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thanks for the test, i am not getting any beeps at all. yes i do remember hearing beeps before this problem. now when i plug the key on i hear no beeps. i have had a problem before with the dess plug and had it replaced, only put 3 hours on it since. is there a way of checking that little sucker as well?????? i'm going out now to check the mpem will get back to you soon..

Yes, there is. I'm at work right now and they're hollering for me. I'll be back in later and send you the test on the post.........
BTW, take the DESS cap and clean it in a warm soapy solution, rinse and let dry. Do not use any electrical cleaner or die electric grease on these components. It may just be dirty, salt or corrosion in it. THere was one member suggest cleaning the metal clips with an eraser. Sounds like a good idea too!...........
You might seriously think about getting a manual from the library here on the seadoo forum to trouble shoot other areas. It's not free, but the information is priceless. Click on the link at the top of the page under "seadoo manuals" for more details.
Post and lanyard cap test!....

To test the safety lanyard cap circuit.
Disconnect the BLACK and the BLACK/YELLOW wires in the electrical box. Put the lanyard cap on your post. You should get close to a zero with the cap on and an open circuit with the cap removed.
I hope this helps you out and hope you get some answers soon.
o.k. i tested all ohm tests and did not get any readings at all everything was zero...i'm going to get a buddy to come over today with his meter and compare between his meter and mine.... if the mpem is shot will i not get the beeps and gauges???? how cold is it in your neck of the woods??? 50's here,thats cold for around here....

If your readings where zilch, then yes, your mpem is shot!......bad news. About 650 to 700 to can find them on ebay used....but you take a chance.
well i had a buddy check with his meter and same results.......gonna have to say it's a goner.. thank you very much for all your help guys. i will tell everyone i know here with ski's to check this forum out...
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