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Newbie with a 1998 GTX Limited

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New Member
Just picked up my new 1998 GTX Limited. Have ridden PWCs before, never owned one. Will be putting it in the water tomorrow for the first time. I know on the back end there is a connection for a hose. Can I start up the PWC while still on the trailer and have water run through this connection to make sure the PWC runs? If so, are there any limited on how long, rpms, etc?

Thanks in advance for any help. :cheers:
Back flush fitting...?

Yes, that is your back flush fitting. Make sure, you start the engine before you turn on the water. Then, only turn it on strong enough to see water come from your tell tale line, like it's peeing. You don't want to over pressurize the cooling system.

It's going to run around 3000 rpm out of the water. You only want to run it for a few minutes because you have no water on your shaft, keeping your pump, impeller and bearings cool. If the engine seems it's running away at higher rpm's than I stated, shut it down. If you pull the lanyard and it wont' shut down, pull the choke. This is the only way to stop a runaway engine. That's not saying you'll see this, just to be prepared if you do. Make sure you turn off the water before turning off the engine. That way, the engine will blow the left over water out. Leaving the water on with the engine off can also back fill the exhaust system and dump water into your engine.

The last thing I might add is to get some velcro straps and tie them around your wrist. Then, wrap them around your handlebars and stick them together. Your going to need them when you hit the throttle! This engine, the 951cc is the last of the 2 Strokes in our skis and is the largest, with 130 hp.............so, hang on and have fun!..........:cheers:
Thanks for the quick response. On the left handle area, I see a start/stop button. I had assumed if I hit this button while running, it would stop the PWC. Based on your response, I may have had a bad assumption. Can I hit that start/stop button, or do I need to either pull the electronic key, or hit the choke?

For the HP - don't need to worry about me...now, my 20 and 17 year old boys - they need the velcro straps!!!!
No need for speed....

I see you and I have something in common. No need for speed anymore. I no longer burn the rubber off my tires either. Now, when I was 20, .....I have a hard time remembering. To much beer.....LOL

To answer your question, yes. The normal way to shut your engine down is pushing the start/stop button. The tether is for emergency, like being thrown from the craft. If you fall off and don't have it on, you got a long swim to catch it!.....:rofl:

What I spoke about was the "run away engine" that seems to be happening a bit more this year than last. When the ski is out of the water, there is no shaft torque. The impeller is free wheelin. Your not suppose to give the engine throttle while on the trailer either; this can help create the conditions for your engine to run away. It's normally caused from a lean condition or an air leak, usually at the manifold to casing. If this happens and it's not caught early enough, the heat builds in the heads and it will continue to run on it's own, even after pushing the start/stop button and removing the lanyard. This isn't to say it's going to happen to you. But, if it does, I would want you to be prepared. There have been members come in after the damage was already done, to ask these questions. I'm letting you know now, so if you start it on the trailer and this happens, you'll understand what to do and what it is.

But, the normal way to shut down your engine is the start/stop button or even pulling your lanyard. Either one does the same thing......:cheers:
Perfect. Thanks for the quick response. And yes, I am too old to worry about the speed. The funny thing is when we came across this PWC - only has 70 hours on it - the first question from the 20 year old - what is the HP? How fast does it go? Not a word about how does it look, is it in good condition....my how times have changed!!!

Thanks again for your help. Looking forward to getting on it tomorrow and see how it goes.
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