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Newbie - Terrible first day - Advice


New Member
tldr; intake clogged with a stick and weeds, led to a check engine and exhaust overheat. Everything cleared out, but now there is no forward power beyond idle and there is a definite rough running/shaking when throttle applied.

So, I have never owned a Seadoo (but have ridden many times previously). Just on Friday purchased a 2013 Seadoo Wake 155, 80 hours, great shape. Put it in the water and had about an hour of great driving, zero issues. Then as I was approaching the cottage, put it in reverse to navigate a turn and it must have sucked in a stick. It was super sluggish and then it started with the check engine warning and an exhaust overheat. The engine felt pretty hot so I let it sit and got a tow into shore. I tried to do a few clears, but it led to another exhaust overheat so I shut it down. A manual clear of the debris from the intake (tons of weeds and a 10" stick about pencil thick) and I wasn't getting any heating or engine warnings. However, there is no forward power beyond just idle and it is now sort of shaking and really rough running. The back jet exhaust (pardon my ignorance of the technical terms) has a lot of play. Is this a wear ring issue? I cannot get access to it easily at the moment (it is still in the water) because I don't have a lift yet and the closest launch is about 20 minutes away. Cottage is on an island.

Just looking for advice. I have to say pretty demoralized after making a significant purchase and then this...

Locale is southern Ontario if that makes a difference.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You still have something stuck in your pump. A tiny 1/4" stick only a 1/4" long that gets stuck between your impeller and wear ring will cause what you are describing.

Stay in 3' deep water and away from weeds and debris.