Just picked up a basket case of a 1994 Seadoo SPX the other day off of the great and mighty Craigslist. I knew what I was getting into with the purchase (traded a broken laptop for it), and I went and borrowed a trailer and brought it on home. The ski has no title (not that big of a deal) and is not currently running. Guy before me said he rode it earlier this spring, but I call BS on that one. He told me it just needed a new battery, but when I pulled the seat off, I found all the air cleaner parts pulled and laying in the engine bay. Carb's were exposed, which tells me there are some problems with it. I pulled the electrical box out, replaced the 5 and 15 as everyone suggests, pulled the plugs and saw them to be brand new. Fuel lines have been replaced and all the wiring looks good for the most part, but the switches to start the ski are all broken and rigged up to start the ski. Also, the fuel selector switch is missing the knob and all the parts that hold it to the hull - it's just hanging there. I got the ski turning over using a 12V car battery (not hooked to a vehicle, just an extra battery I had lying around) and a set of jumper cables. Got it to fire off one quick burst after pouring a touch of gas down in the cylinders through the spark plug holes. I had earlier poured it straight in the carbs but got nothing (may have poured a little too much and flooded it - I'm used to working on cars). I really don't think I have far to go to get the ski running, so this should be a fun summer project. I will definately be purchasing lots of new parts. For starters, the hull drain plug needs replaced first and foremost, then the fuel selector switch, then starter and safety switches, then a battery. After that I will worry about the cosmetics. Just need to make sure it will run, then float. Already bought a fire extinguisher for it, so I come prepared! I am sure I will have LOTS of questions.