I ordered the custom seats from Veada Industries, Inc. (veada.com). They are located in New Falls, IN. Veada sent me swatches of the marine covering. You pick the colors of the marine covering that best match your boat. The seats are made to order in about 10/14 days and cost $260 each delivered as of September 2014. The model number I ordered was HS200B. I also went with new aluminum bases that they recommended. You could use the bases that came with the boat but have to cut the seats but you lose the chance of reselling the old seats. The new bases were $130 each, heavier gauge aluminum and much stronger. I sold the old seats on Craig's list, so my net cost for the new seats was around $480. I could have only ordered one seat for the Captain but then I would still not be able to see over the windshield. Only kidding...my girlfriend lets me drive sometimes.