New Sea-Doos have the throttle on the front of the handle bar?


New Member
What exactly is the purpose of putting the throttle on the front of the handle bar instead of on the back like they used to? Having it on the front makes it so much harder to hold on through bigger waves because the two strongest gripper fingers are used for the throttle instead of the thumb which otherwise isn't doing much at all to help you hold on... Anyone agree or know the reasoning for this change in recent years?
Many reasons, the two main are, you NEED your thumb to hand on securely and, there is less fatigue when it is mounted on the front.

I have an RXT-X and it is a pretty aggressive machine. For me, I operate the throttle with just my pointing finger and sometimes my index finger if I have been riding a few hours.
Many reasons, the two main are, you NEED your thumb to hand on securely and, there is less fatigue when it is mounted on the front.

Huh... I've always thought operating it with my thumb caused less fatigue. Maybe it's because I've been using two fingers for the new throttle style instead of just one.
I prefer the finger throttle, even when I owned ski's with the thumb it was always the first thing I changed, I will admit it takes a little bit of getting used to but once you settle into it IMO you'll prefer it.

I use just my pointing finger as well but might switch to both point/index if i've been out for a while to mix it up a little bit and if your not riding in rough water & jumping waves, then when your on smooth water remind yourself to relax your grip and just kind of have your hand resting on the bar, I've been riding along time but still occasionally catch myself with too firm of a grip on the handlebars for no reason at all, so I have to force myself to relax and enjoy the surroundings.

Obviously in rough water or jumping waves I end up with a death grip but its necessary to make sure I don't get tossed or lose my grip at the worst moment.