New owner 2001 Challenger 14.5

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New Member

I just wanted to introduce myself as I just purchased a 2001 Challenger 14.5
Even though the season is over in ohio I ran across a good deal on this boat that I could not pass up as a have been looking for an all around fun little boat that I can pull with my ford ranger. Needs cleaned up abit but in good overall shape and few minor items. I didnt get to sea trial it but both engines are 140-154 psi on all cylinders and runs great.

I went back to about page 40 to familiarize myself with these boats as all my previous experience has been in I/O boats. It has a few minor issues one being the port throttle resistance is low and it falls back to idle. From what I have gathered there is a screw on the bottom of the quadrant that can be tightened to remedy this.

Second I decided to take it out in the 45 degree weather for a quick test run before winterizing. Boat will not go over 10 mph or so both engine pumps seem to be cavitating at around 5k. The launch i used had some leaves and debris and although I attempted to to back out with minimal throttle till deeper water still saw some mud getting stirred up. I thought I may have picked up something used both the gate cleaners and reverse throttle trick to not affect. After I put it up on the trailer I noticed in the starboard side was some sticks or something similar but very small and minor. looked like 2 or 3 small 1/8 inch in diameter sticks before the impeller. It was getting late and cold so I didnt attempt to free it and test again. Port side looked clean both wear rings from a flash light looked ok with almost no noticeable gaps. impellers look not too bad minor nicks. I will clear the items and try again next year. but would the port side cavitate like that due to the port having issues? Or could cold 45 degree weather cause an issue at the carbon seal and suck air?

Thinking about just replacing the impellers, wear rings over the winter or early spring. But worried I may have a bigger issues as I could not feather it about 5k to try and get on plane. Good news is the engines ran flawlessly.

Does an 01 Challenger have a tell tale by the tow hook like the speedster? I couldn't see it and have had conflicting information on this model.

Thank you and will continue searches and research but wanted to verify I am on the right track


Edit Can a moderator move this to the 2 stroke jet boat section? I am having so site view formatting issues and accidentally posted this in the pwc section.
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