Sking at 200+
So, your looking for a boat that will get you out of the water when your out sking.........and want a price tag around 7k.
Well, the 1997 Challenger 1800 will probably fit your needs. The other boats mentioned in the upper post may feel a bit cramped for your size, especially if you have passengers with you.
Drag....I've found, while barefooting and slalom sking, that if your not capable of standing up out of the water at the initial jump of the boat, then the drag created will continue to bog the boat and probably cause you to let go of the rope when you start going under. I've seen, rather large men, bog and hold back 150', 200+ has a lot of power in holding back a boats ponies.
The newer 4-TEC's have a great deal more power then the 787's, but will go over your price range and the models of Challenger between 2000 and 2004 use the M-2 Mercury motors. Seadoo doesn't use these motors anylonger and I've found, they are hard to find replacement parts for.
When looking at a boat, one of the most important things to bring with you is a compression gage. If you find one your interested in, ask the owner if you can do a compression test. If he says no, he has something to hide.
Look for signs of oil in the bilges. Make sure the oil tank is still there and hooked up to the rotary chamber (oil lines in on the port side, center of engine and out on the starboard, under the carbs). Believe it or not, there has been a member come in after buying a boat and after a little troubleshooting, found out the previous owner plugged the rotary chamber. Her engine was shot.
Look for any electrical "jury rigging". If you see where there is electrical accessories that have been added incorrectly, you may be looking at some electrical system damage.
Test all the lingages to make sure they move freely and what ever you do, make sure the boat is equipped with VTS (variable trim system).
Good luck!.........let us know what you decide on! :cheers: