Need Some Help On My School Project...


New Member
Hey Guys, Om currently creating a presentation for my Technical School Class, and I decided to do it on the different cooling systems in our Jetskis. So basically what Im asking here is for some of you guys to allow me to use pictures of your Skis For my project! Simple side shots, under shots, anything you can give me that can be worked with an could help point out the parts of the cooling systems. Im doing it on both closed Loop Systems and Open Systems so both four an two stroke jetskis are aloud! Thanks if you can help!
Fine with me, but I don't know if there is a forum rule on pictures that get posted but cant see why, people copy from the internet all the time. Let one of the moderators chime in to be sure.

BTW its a good gesture to ask. Good luck with the project.
Fine with me, but I don't know if there is a forum rule on pictures that get posted but cant see why, people copy from the internet all the time. Let one of the moderators chime in to be sure.

BTW its a good gesture to ask. Good luck with the project.

Yep, That's why I did Ask! Not sure on the site rules about sharing pictures but yeah, might as well wait for a moderator to be on to be for sure
Not knowing exactly what you are after, I did a google search and found a pretty good spread of pictures and hand dranwn diagrams...
Not knowing exactly what you are after, I did a google search and found a pretty good spread of pictures and hand dranwn diagrams...

Exactly what Kicker just Posted, Im having trouble finding decent pictures on here that I could actually point some of the cooling inlets out and also where the water flows