I respect and appreciate the time some of the experienced posters put into this forum so I will just cut straight to the point.
Problem: 97 GTS runs great! It will die at random intervals but in most cases it is always after the ski has been run for a good 10 or 15 minutes. Sometimes it doesn't die for 45 minutes ... when it does die and you unseat and reseat the lanyard it sometimes runs for another 45 mins sometimes runs for 5 mins.
What I know:
I know there is a short in the buzzer in the handlebars, as I can take it out mash the wires and it will work until you start bouncing around the water or on the trailer in route.
When it dies, I can remove the lanyard DESS plug and reattach, sometimes it will start, sometimes I have to repeat this several times. To clarify when it doesn't start it doesn't do anything, it doesn't turn the engine over or anything accept the gas gauge does come on. If the buzzer is not working I usually watch the gas gauge to see if the lanyard is on good. ( I have 2 lanyards one gives me more problems than the other as far as restarts goes)
What I have done:
I have cleaned the post and lanyard connections, I have used an eraser and anything else you can think of. They are clean and shiny with no oxidation on either.
I have checked the post wire harness to make sure it was on good.
That's about as far as I have gotten. I do have the shop manual and did read the few pages related to this, when the buzzer is operation the Advanced Test gives no error beeps. On occasion I can get it to sound a faulty lanyard beep but that is usually when my lanyard is kind cock-eyed on the post.
I am pretty handy with electronics and before I pull the box out I wanted some input from the more experienced riders.
Problem: 97 GTS runs great! It will die at random intervals but in most cases it is always after the ski has been run for a good 10 or 15 minutes. Sometimes it doesn't die for 45 minutes ... when it does die and you unseat and reseat the lanyard it sometimes runs for another 45 mins sometimes runs for 5 mins.
What I know:
I know there is a short in the buzzer in the handlebars, as I can take it out mash the wires and it will work until you start bouncing around the water or on the trailer in route.
When it dies, I can remove the lanyard DESS plug and reattach, sometimes it will start, sometimes I have to repeat this several times. To clarify when it doesn't start it doesn't do anything, it doesn't turn the engine over or anything accept the gas gauge does come on. If the buzzer is not working I usually watch the gas gauge to see if the lanyard is on good. ( I have 2 lanyards one gives me more problems than the other as far as restarts goes)
What I have done:
I have cleaned the post and lanyard connections, I have used an eraser and anything else you can think of. They are clean and shiny with no oxidation on either.
I have checked the post wire harness to make sure it was on good.
That's about as far as I have gotten. I do have the shop manual and did read the few pages related to this, when the buzzer is operation the Advanced Test gives no error beeps. On occasion I can get it to sound a faulty lanyard beep but that is usually when my lanyard is kind cock-eyed on the post.
I am pretty handy with electronics and before I pull the box out I wanted some input from the more experienced riders.