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Need some advice. 97 GTS

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New Member
I respect and appreciate the time some of the experienced posters put into this forum so I will just cut straight to the point.

Problem: 97 GTS runs great! It will die at random intervals but in most cases it is always after the ski has been run for a good 10 or 15 minutes. Sometimes it doesn't die for 45 minutes ... when it does die and you unseat and reseat the lanyard it sometimes runs for another 45 mins sometimes runs for 5 mins.

What I know:
I know there is a short in the buzzer in the handlebars, as I can take it out mash the wires and it will work until you start bouncing around the water or on the trailer in route.

When it dies, I can remove the lanyard DESS plug and reattach, sometimes it will start, sometimes I have to repeat this several times. To clarify when it doesn't start it doesn't do anything, it doesn't turn the engine over or anything accept the gas gauge does come on. If the buzzer is not working I usually watch the gas gauge to see if the lanyard is on good. ( I have 2 lanyards one gives me more problems than the other as far as restarts goes)

What I have done:
I have cleaned the post and lanyard connections, I have used an eraser and anything else you can think of. They are clean and shiny with no oxidation on either.

I have checked the post wire harness to make sure it was on good.

That's about as far as I have gotten. I do have the shop manual and did read the few pages related to this, when the buzzer is operation the Advanced Test gives no error beeps. On occasion I can get it to sound a faulty lanyard beep but that is usually when my lanyard is kind cock-eyed on the post.

I am pretty handy with electronics and before I pull the box out I wanted some input from the more experienced riders.

keep'n it short....:bs:....:rofl:

I didnt read all, but take an eraser to the landyard cap and dess post. Also, may want to pull carbs and go thru them. Clean the xcellerator pump if is one, also the nipple protruding into the carb, clear that. Check all the connections of your grounds and red cables...:cheers:
Carbs are on the list of things to check as well ... I was thinking it could be a carb problem but that wouldn't explain the failure to spin the starter after it dies ..

Will dig into it tonight .. thanks for the reply timmyboy
check the grounds, possible its loose/corroded, and caus'n red cables/starter to heat up. Grounds connections, real important chief, along with "clean" carbs.:cheers:

Well I pulled out the entire electrical system and cracked open the grey box. I found that there were several ground and hot connections that were not very tight inside the box, I also found a few wires that had some copper exposed near the weather boots. I twisted and tested each connection with an ohmmeter, also tightened any post connections as well, that includes the engine ground. I also tied and taped the wires in the box in positions that would keep them clear of wires of the opposite polarity.

None of this seemed to solve my buzzer problem, so I am going to replace it, I know there is a short in it somewhere ...

We went out to the lake and ran it to the 8th mile marker with out it cutting out once! I even killed it a few times myself via the start/stop switch not touching the lanyard once and floating a bit and it would fire right back up.

On a side note ... at the 8th mile marker I ran up on a gravel bar quick ... (its close to the river mouth) .. and got 2 huge ass rocks stuck in the impeller. Have you ever tried to remove the pump housing with only a 13mm wrench? On a gravel bar in the middle of no where? 2 hours later we were on our way back to the dock .. if I had a socket set with me, :stupid: it wouldn't have taken nearly as long .... so guys .... put a $10 socket set in your ski! lol ... I now have s 52 piece set tied in to the storage containers.

The ski ran great the rest of the day too btw! Ran the entire tank of gas out of it without it dieing one time! :hurray:

Thanks for the info and help guys!
I have the exact same problem, same year and model.

Another weird thing is when I replace the battery, it won't beep unto it sits with the battery installed for a few hours. I think you are attributing this to bouncing on the trailer or waves and kicking in.

I read the post is made of magnets, which could possibly explain this strangeness.

I can't find a good test for the post, so I will probably replace.

What do you think?

Also before the post "charges up" pressing the key down hard keeps the ski running.

The advance diagnostic test never shows ant problems.
10mm socket and wrench
13mm socket and wrench
6mm allen wrench
and a pair of alligator pliers are all you need:cheers:
Thanks gsxgtxman .. I got the tools now for any problem I hope .. it's just one of those things that when you have your jack and tire iron you never get a flat tire .. but leave it out of the vehicle just one time and you'll get two.
Peter .. I will keep you posted on if it does it again ... I would check all your connections, take out the post and shake it a few times you should feel the inners moving around a little .. if they are magnets it is possible they get lop sided in their I would imagine.

I hope mine doesn't happen again .. after I get the $5 buzzer fixed, it should have no flaws as of right now .. I'm just glad it isn't in the mpem ... or at least I hope it isn't ... :)

When I pulled out the electrical box there wasn't any water or moisture in it ... but my post connections were lose enough that I noticed fairly quickly ..

Blue, thx for the advice about taking off the post and shaking, I tried to take off today, but it's on tight and just had some pliers.

U dEscribing ur problem saved ne a lot of typing, and sounds the exact samE.

I couldn't get mine started for 2 hours today, no beep, just clicking. My nephews went home, I ate lunch, I went down and "beep beep". So I went out, and just like u described, I can go for 30 minutes, or sometimes 5. Then It cuts out, take key off post, put back on and I'm off.

This ski has only Been in salt water 1 day, all cables look great.

I just rebuilt the carb. It had the Sam problem prior, I got a new key, new battery, etc.

If you have not replaced the fuel lines or replaced the carb u should. The least u can do is clean the filter in the carb, couldn't beleive how dirty mine was.

I'll let you know if I get my post off and shake it!
Hey pete when mine would cut off out in the water and I would try to restart it wouldn't do anything .. no clicking of the starter, nothing .. the only thing it did do was the gas gauge would move when I put the lanyard back on ... I don't know .. I don't really like the fancy electroics in it ... I prefer that ugly only old spring loaded button myself ..
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