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Need help with purchase of 2001 15' Challenger

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New Member
Hello all. I have the opportunity to purchase a 2001 15' challenger. The boat looks good as far as seats and overall condition. I can tell that it has been stored indoors. The bimini top looks good. The owner says that they are the second owner and have only put about 5 hours on it.

Sooo... I drove 3 hours to look at it today and I noticed on one of the engines the exhaust pipe was discolored (burnt like I took a torch to it). This concerned me so I asked the question if it had been rebuilt by the first owner.... I was told that the burnt exhaust pipe was caused by the current owner the last time they had the boat out... nearly 2 years ago.. that they heard some noises that did not sound right and immediately shut off the engines.. upon checking under the hood that one of the hoses that run to the exhaust pipe that it was crimped and not supplying water to the exhaust pipe.... he had his buddy check the engine out tooth and comb and said all is well... compression ,, etc.

PROBLEM: It is winter here and no way to take this boat out on the water.... Does what the owner tell me sound reasonable.... OR ... walk away from this boat.

All responses are appreciated. Thank you.
how much are they asking; i just got a 2001 challenger 15ft; the seller was at first asking 7800; i got him down to 4600; as ohers have said might want to do a compression test on each engine; when i bought it i hooked it up to a hose and lisened to the engines where they ideled; one of my tachs was not working but it was just unpluged; i pluged it back in and they are ideling whin 100 rpm of each other; very fun and fast boat; just waiting for the water to warm up to break out the wakeboard:cheers:

I'm skeptical about the word "crimped".........because with the layout of the hoses for the 717cc engine, there's not much of a way the hoses can become pinched, unless it was done on purpose. Like winterizing then forgetting it was done, then take it out to ride.

In any event, if the exhaust system got hot enough to show a torch pattern, then it got really hot. The engines performance depends on the exhaust system being cooled for performance.

My point, there could be damage to the engine. Do a compression test and if the plugs look brand new, I'd be in question...........compression is the primary concern though......then, go from there.
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