Hi everyone, I'm really new to all this. After lookin on craigslist i went and bought a seadoo down by Lake Stevens near Seattle. The guy said it ran great and all. He started it up and it seemed to run fine. So now my problem is:
Had it on the lake look back and had a huge cloud of blue smoke comin from the back end, no idea where it's comin from. Got it home opened up the seat and the bottom of the seadoo is full of water. After draining out the water I ran it for about 10 seconds and look down near the back and oil is comin out from the right side beside Jet Pump Nozzle area. Is that normal? I have looked under the seadoo and can't seem to find any holes, where would the water have come in? Any advice will be appreciated. Did I mention when I had it on the lake I didn't even open it up I had it goin probably less than 10/km
Had it on the lake look back and had a huge cloud of blue smoke comin from the back end, no idea where it's comin from. Got it home opened up the seat and the bottom of the seadoo is full of water. After draining out the water I ran it for about 10 seconds and look down near the back and oil is comin out from the right side beside Jet Pump Nozzle area. Is that normal? I have looked under the seadoo and can't seem to find any holes, where would the water have come in? Any advice will be appreciated. Did I mention when I had it on the lake I didn't even open it up I had it goin probably less than 10/km