New Member
2001 gtx rfi first run of the season had no probs. 2 weeks later plugs getting oil on them and fouling out. Replaced plugs they fouled after about 1 hr. Drained left over gas from the winter and put in mid-grade, cleaned Rave's, checked compression was 140 front and back, still had same problem with new plugs. Trimmed spark plug wires back, put in new plugs and verified gap. Have gone out several times over the last 2 weeks in between attempts to fix. Went out for about 20 min today and had to limp back to dock. Made sure all the oil was blown out and replaced plugs. Went out for another 20 min and began boggin down, went into limp mode and then shut down all together. Tried to restart but engine won't turn over and display reads high engine temp but when i changed display engine was 87 degrees. I checked oil level and it was really low, I guess I had run through a lot of oil over the last 2 weeks. Read online it was not the oil but their may be a blockage in the water cooling system. Is my engine shot? Where do I begin?