need engine help please

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New Member
hi im new to these forums. i just recently bought a 2000 gtx 951 with a blown motor. i was wondering if i am better of rebuilding it or buying a whole new engine? And if so where can i find the best place to buy a complete engine because i havent found one? thanks for all the help i can receive if any in advance. alex
The question

It depends on your skill. If you decide to do the work, expect to shell out some cash on special tools & a Clymer manual! And you'll need to find a reputable machine shop.

On the other hand, I believe you can purchase a re-man long block motor, and that will be assembled by trained pros. It may cost more, but you'll have peace of mind it was put together correctly.

Beware of local repair shops if you seek them out to rebuild the motor. Call the BBB if you decide to go that route.
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........oh, so right....

Listen to mh.....if you have the experience of a lawn mower engine, and understand terminology and the engine's combustion cycle, then you may able to do the work yourself. With a premium membership, I"m sure you can. To replace your motor with a 1 year no-fault warranty, it'll be about $1200 bucks. Or, if it's your uppper end that went away on you and your sure the crank and casing is o.k., you can do jus the upper end for about $495, including new pistons.
If you take it to a shop for rebuild, well over $2000. So, it's up to you. Here, as a premium member, you get all the one on one support you need when doing a job like this, plus the manuals that will help guide you in this endeavor.
Here's a link to your long block engine and repair parts. I've used them several times........their very reputable.......
thanks a lot for the last reply. the thing wrong wit the engine was the crankshaft is gone and the piston went trough the head which i talked to somebody about is 99 percent of time this is the problem. so i need to know what to do as i am very inexpericened but i do have a skilled mechanic that will do the job for cheap. he suggested to buy the parts that i do need and he will put it togehter. i dont know what to do more help is appreciated tough
Alex, in post 3, I put in a hyper link for you to look at a replacement engine. The cost now a days in rebuilding one of these things is just not feasible when the replacement engine is so cheap.
If the piston went through the top and the crankshaft seized, then you probably have an extensive amount of casing damage. OEM replacement is probably the cheapest and easiest way out!......:cheers:
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