Active Member
I NEED HELP on how to disconnect the throttle linkage from the MAG carb, then the throttle linkage between the MAG and PTO carbs.
Upon being advised to clean the jets and fuel filter in the carbs, I began my project early this afternoon by almost easily removing the flame arrestor. (Only problem, off to Sears, Auto Zone, Kragens to find a hex driver that fits the screws securing the FA to the engine. Size 30 worked)
Next I received help on the Forum on how to disconnect the choke cable (Allen screws).
Reading my Clymer's Shop Manual, Clymer's suggests removing the intake manifold before removing the carbs and throttle linkages. That seems unnecessary, but, what the hell do I know as this is my first endeavor to remove a carb from a Doo.
Moreover, Clymer's SP does not have any photos reflecting this task. The manual sucks in this regard.
Looking at the carb, it seems that special tools are needed to remove the four screws that secures the carb to the manifold. Is that so? If not, any help will be appreciated. (I read a thread that the screw are 13mm)(I am reading, not simply looking for an easy answer)
I am taking photos and writing clear instructions of this project so I can post it for others to use.
Reading the threads I've found a lot of helpful info, however, I am meandering in the dark with respect to my next two or three steps as set forth above. After that, I "should" be home free. H E L P!!!!!
Upon being advised to clean the jets and fuel filter in the carbs, I began my project early this afternoon by almost easily removing the flame arrestor. (Only problem, off to Sears, Auto Zone, Kragens to find a hex driver that fits the screws securing the FA to the engine. Size 30 worked)
Next I received help on the Forum on how to disconnect the choke cable (Allen screws).
Reading my Clymer's Shop Manual, Clymer's suggests removing the intake manifold before removing the carbs and throttle linkages. That seems unnecessary, but, what the hell do I know as this is my first endeavor to remove a carb from a Doo.
Moreover, Clymer's SP does not have any photos reflecting this task. The manual sucks in this regard.
Looking at the carb, it seems that special tools are needed to remove the four screws that secures the carb to the manifold. Is that so? If not, any help will be appreciated. (I read a thread that the screw are 13mm)(I am reading, not simply looking for an easy answer)
I am taking photos and writing clear instructions of this project so I can post it for others to use.
Reading the threads I've found a lot of helpful info, however, I am meandering in the dark with respect to my next two or three steps as set forth above. After that, I "should" be home free. H E L P!!!!!