My Budget Double trailer

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New Member
Recently purchased a brand new 2007 Honda F-12x Turbo and needed a double trailer to keep both my skis (other ski is a 2001 Seadoo GTS). Was looking at double trailers on craigslist and didnt feel like spending $700 on a used one. I found an el-cheapo Karavan powdercoated steel trailer that was a 2005 that needed some repairs. It was white and ugly looking. Picked it up for $100 with all the paperwork and everything. Needed new bunks and carpet, winches, lights didnt work, tires shot, and bearings shot.

I took it home, paid $50 for a waterproof pair of trailer LED tail lights, $20 for pressure treated wood and hardware, $30 for bunk carpet, $25 for a winch from wal-mart. $50 for two tires, and $30 for new bearing kits. and a couple cans of paint to total under $200 bucks.

Did all of the work myself, to include the tires (re-used stock ones but painted them) and wheel bearings and heres how it looks. It drives very smoothly with no vibrations or noises. I had to grind down and re-weld a few areas but I did that in my garage and it cost me nothing because I have a welder.

It sucks that its a steel trailer and I use my skis 90% in salt water, but just like the skis I always make sure to rinse down the trailer to prevent rust, if anything serious comes up, i have everything to fix it so im not worried.

My $300 double 2005 karavan trailer




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