My '92 XP won't accelerate!


Active Member
So, after simply replacing the wear ring on this one, I all of a sudden cannot get this one to not idle so rough, and accelerate. Rebuilt the carbs twice. Set pop off accordingly. It just seems like it wants to go but can't. I've got 3 out of 5 running and would appreciate any input on what I could be looking at to get #4 up and running again.

Thanks for your help
I just wanted to follow-up on this... I believe the new wear ring replacement is just coincidental. I can easily turn the pto by hand.
I remember a similar thread like this last year from you, same ski? Did you use genuine Mikuni? Change needle and seat? Try bypassing the fuel selector and filter with a direct line to the tank? Try putting a little fuel in the plug holes and see if runs on that, if it doesn’t maybe weak spark or carb problems
Yes same ski. I was hoping that over the winter, it had miraculously fixed itself but no such luck. My next move was to go after the fuel selector. At idle, it just chugs then dies. It's got to be a fuel delivery problem. This ski just ripped before I wanted to replace the wear ring. How ridiculous. 🤔
Yes same ski. I was hoping that over the winter, it had miraculously fixed itself but no such luck. My next move was to go after the fuel selector. At idle, it just chugs then dies. It's got to be a fuel delivery problem. This ski just ripped before I wanted to replace the wear ring. How ridiculous. 🤔
Could try putting a different wear ring in
Yes...good one lol. I can only ride one at a time so..would like to get the fleet of 5 back in the water. A Father's day miracle!
Switched out carb from a running ski with zero results. With a newer compression tester, both cylinders read just a pinch under 150. Spark is very good and constant. Tomorrow I'm going to bypass the fuel selector.
Thanks, what a relief ! I was going into obsession mode!! should really rip now with all the carb work and new wear ring Lol !