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My 89Seadoo cranks for a long time before it runs + Picture attached

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New Member
I just had the carb rebuilt and even had a new needle and seat put in. Today was my first time taking it out since the carb job was done. I put my jetski in the water today and I cranked it off an on for a good 10-20 minutes and then it finally fired right up. Once it was running it ran fine for the day, no other issues. When I picked it up after the carb job we started it as it sat on the trailer and it fired right up there. So....... not sure what could have happened.

Also, what is the attached a picture off? I found it off and hanging this morning before putting it in the river and re-attached it using a zip tie. Could this have been related to me having a tough time starting it?


  • IMG00018-20090614-1729.jpg
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you should replace the grey fuel lines with 1/4in fuel line from any auto parts store...along with s.s. clamps. Hard starting could've been with gas off, then you drained the lines, while it was on trailer. make sure, the battery is good/charged.
thanks for the reply, I appreciate it.

I did change over the lines this winter (I at least changed over all the ones I could do myself easily)

I did have the fuel selector valve in the "off" position prior to putting in the water. Maybe something was goofy or stuck withe fuel selector and it took it a while to recognize it was in the on position. I dunno, just thinking here.

Any reason i cant keep the gas in the "on" position when not in use? sitting on the trailer in my driveway. I don't "need" to put it in "off" I don't think.
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