My 1997 Seadoo SPX 787 project

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New Member
First off Hi to everyone this is my first post, I recently purchased a running 1997 Seadoo SPX for £300 to do up as i have heard these are great ski's, I have previously owned a 1998 GTX 951 Limited 130hp bit heavy and more like a boat, So i sold it and brought a 1997 XP with the susspension seat was a little better but top heavy and a under powered due to weight. The SPX was going cheap and hopefully just what im looking for acording to peoples reviews. First thing it needed was a good clean but and running up, it was a little smokey as its been converted to premix and i think it had to much oil in the mix. Ok so i built a stand for it and got started on removing the engine to clean hull properly, I also removed head and RV assembly on engine to check the state of the pistons and barrels all seams ok. Next on the list is to De-coke Exhaust as its a bit sooty, clean out water ways and chambers with air compressor, fit new gaskets and rebuild carbs. Then on to the hull. here are some pictures of the progress so far. Thanks for reading and all coments are appreciated.


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Welcome to the seadoo forum. Looks like you have a good project on you hands. If you need any parts, we have plenty in out "parts" link at the top of the page. We also have manuals in the "premium section" too if you need one. You will find that this is a friendly place with lots of active members eager to help out and offer good advise.

Thanks for reply I will keep posting info and pics of my progress and any problems along the way and how i overcome them. I managed to get the engine appart last night and this is what i found. The last 2 pics are of the top of one of the pistons to show numbers writen on it, does anyone know what these meen? Thanks.


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Hi i took the head of the engine to inspect the Pistons, Rings and barrels because a running engine doesn't alway meen its a good engine. As i am sure many people will agree. Today i have been removing the pump housing to inspect and it needs a new Prop and wear ring as the prop has bent edges and chips and the wear ring is worn.


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oh i see...well i also agree,i thought you will rebuilt it.anyway,goodluck with your project..
Please continue this project and keep posting! I just got the exact same machine on the same day you posted. Mine is also a nice 97 SPX. I guess I just got lucky cause I knew absolutely nothing about ski's or doo's and found this one on craigslist......just got my first good ride on it today.......WOW. I'm hooked. I'm sure it's not the biggest or baddest jet ski on the lake but I love it.
I'm as green as you get on these, still trying to get the hang of what the VTS does but I'd love to follow your progress of your overhaul so I can learn a few things!
This project is going to be awesome! I just know it! Please keep posting photos of your progress. It is both technical valuable and intensely interesting to watch this thread!
Brought a Complete engine gasket set today so that i can replace the old gaskets, later i will be Removing the Nose cone from Pump so that i can remove prop and fit new wear ring and prop,see Pic for shredded wear ring. I Will post pictures later todayof the nose cone,prop and wear ring removal.Does anyone have any advice on which prop i should get.?


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Nice find on the machines both of you. I've got the twin to yours. If there's anything I can help out with I'll do my best.
Not sure if it has the same prop as a 96XP, but that stock prop is pretty good from the factory. You can use a file to take out any imperfections on the leading edge.

I have a solas X0 in my other ski and while it seems to have a slight edge overall, I tend to lose traction in rough chop a bit more than with the stocker (I imagine this is because the XO is not a "swirl" design so the leading edge is set farther back). Both skis sans intake grate.
Seadoo dealers ruined my pump.!!!!

Sorry not posted in a while but had alot on, anyways i took the pump to our local Seadoo dealership to have the prop removed so i could replace wear ring as i didn't have the correct tool, I specifically said i only wanted them to remove the prop so i left it with them, When i returned a couple of days later to collect they had removed the prop as asked but also removed the wear ring which i thought oh well it saved me a job, Then he said no charge??? When i got home i had a look at there work and noticed that when they cut the wear ring to remove they had also cut into the housing slightly and upon further inspection i noticed it was cracked right down to the brass inners (see pics). So i rang them and told them what i had found and i was told to bring it down so they could have a look, The manager had a look and tried to tell me it wasn't knackered and i said yes it is and explained why and he said ok and has ordered me a brand new pump housing and wear ring should be here by Tuesday. RESAULT..


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Glad to see you called bollocks on him and made him make good on it. You know he knew they screwed it up. Otherwise, why would he not charge you to begin with.

Looking forward to seeing your progress.
hey, a little late to the game but I bought a 97 seadoo SPX recently and have been having some problems with it. I replaced the fuel lines and was going to try and clean the carburetor, but honestly I have no idea how to remove it. Ive been looking at the manual which has been very helpful but it doesnt really explain how to remove the throttle and choke cables. I dont want to mess anything up while Im doing this as I dont have much experience with this kind of work. Any help would be great, I thought I would try and reply here rather than start a new post since this thread is dedicated working on the same model as my seadoo. Thanks.
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