MPEM Problem

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Terry May

New Member
I started having a problem with the mpem on my 1996 speedster everytime I tried to start it the mpem would have to be reset over and over but would start and run all day once I got it reset I put it in the shop and they replaced the computer when I got the boat back I had to replace one engine and now the boat is doing the same thing still. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

What do you mean it would have to be reset over and over again? When you attach your DESS lanyard, how many beeps do you hear? When the problem exists, is there any beeps from the DESS? The MPEM can be trouble shot in advanced mode. There are manuals available to premium members on this website that may be able to help you research the MPEM........
You don't give a lot of detail to your problem, the engine replacement? Why the "computer" was replaced, which I assume is your MPEM, which I"m sure set you back a bundle. Please gather a bit more info, I'd love to try and get a better understanding of what your going through.
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