Purchase verses Installation?.......
Anytime you make a purchase, the repair shop loses out. They may offer a new lanyard with the purchase of the mpem, if they install it. Which means, if you pay their price, with anywhere from a 25% to 110% mark-up, you've actually paid for that lanyard and the cost of labor (at normally $90 to $99 bucks an hour).
So, if you purchase the mpem, I'd get the purchase price from your dealer, then look it up here, on our parts index and see what the cost is. You may actually see a huge savings here, then purchase a new lanyard and pay the $75 bucks for the programming.
In other words, pay a shop (hypothetically) $1500 bucks for a new mpem and lanyard or buy one yourself for $1000 and pay the $70 bucks for the lanyard and programming, saving you $430 bucks.......:cheers: