The Diode actually 'Shorts Out' & is designed to Blow the 5a Fuse, as protection to stop further damage to the MPEM.
Reversing the Battery +/- will Blow ('Short Out') the MPEM Diode (there can be other rare occasions it will Blow / 'Short Out').
So if you carefully remove the Black Stuff; One just needs to CUT & REMOVE (I just cut the wire from the right side of the Diode) the Diode, for the MPEM to work again. It is & would be difficult to Re-Solder a new Diode well enough (if one can find a new Diode to replace it).
But once removed.... Do not get the Battery Connections +/- Around the Wrong way Ever Again!..... It is this mistake the Diode protects.
Its a silly design, that this Diode is not easily replaceable. There is a better place to fit a protective Diode, but I'll not go into that now.
One other strange thing I have discovered; The only Negative / - connection to all the Electronics on the Jet-Ski (certainly on the early versions, mine is an SPI) is via the 4pin Alternator Plug, which I do not think is good enough. I would recommend; 'Another Black Wire' (1.0mm) be put between the Battery Negative /- & the Grounding point Nut & Bolt, with all the other 'Blacks' inside the Electronics Housing.

Reversing the Battery +/- will Blow ('Short Out') the MPEM Diode (there can be other rare occasions it will Blow / 'Short Out').
So if you carefully remove the Black Stuff; One just needs to CUT & REMOVE (I just cut the wire from the right side of the Diode) the Diode, for the MPEM to work again. It is & would be difficult to Re-Solder a new Diode well enough (if one can find a new Diode to replace it).
But once removed.... Do not get the Battery Connections +/- Around the Wrong way Ever Again!..... It is this mistake the Diode protects.
Its a silly design, that this Diode is not easily replaceable. There is a better place to fit a protective Diode, but I'll not go into that now.
One other strange thing I have discovered; The only Negative / - connection to all the Electronics on the Jet-Ski (certainly on the early versions, mine is an SPI) is via the 4pin Alternator Plug, which I do not think is good enough. I would recommend; 'Another Black Wire' (1.0mm) be put between the Battery Negative /- & the Grounding point Nut & Bolt, with all the other 'Blacks' inside the Electronics Housing.