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I have a 787 motor I took apart all the crank bearings rolled smoth inner seals look good felt soft . Had one cylinder with scratches in it and piston also . So I decided to replace cylinders piston wrists pin bearings I put Motor back together and when I started to crank it it cranked slow new starter new 340 cranking amp battery ck all cables jumped solenoid still cranked slow . So I left it alone for a week while I went to work when I tried to start it again it would not turn over locked up I pulled top end apart cylinder came right off of piston but couldn’t turn over motor . I took a metal rod an hit it on the solid part of crank let go spins free I reassembled motor still cranks heavy .has anyone had this problem ?
Are you sure the pump is ok? Maybe pull the pump off to be sure the impeller is free and try it with the pump off.

If still sluggish with the pump off take the plugs out and see how easy it is to turn over by hand. It should be fairly easy to rotate the engine by hand.
Could be a crappy starter with a sticking bendix. Try turning the engine over by hand both ways, a bad bendix will usually disengage when turning the engine over the wrong way. If it is bad both ways try pulling the starter and see if the engine turns over easy. IF it still doesn't you have a bad crank, balancer or rotary shaft.
I pull the starter and put it in another ski spins perfect I purchase a new rotary addy when I put it together how can the balancer cause a problem ?
Sounds like you replaced the rotary valve. Did you set your clearance? Possibly binding there. You can pop off the carb and intake easily and check with a feeler gauge.
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