modify? really come on guys

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i have a 96 sporster but im realy disapointed with yalls modifyd section.
im a big time fabricator, with diesel 2stroke and 4stroke, diesel being my prefrence. ive build 2000hp diesel and 300hp 2strokes with the help of fourms like these. Ive done the searches on here and many other forums. will some one please tell me y yall ant putn the power down with these potential animals.
Motor and dirvetRAIN wise they seam to have the power potential.
THESE BOATS get up on plane nice and quick wats stopin them from gettin in to the raseing. there extreamly stable even at 45mph, i jus dnt under stand,

theres got to be more kats out there like me who want to go faster with wat they got

wats to say with my lil old 717 putin the gtx supercharger on it
or a t1 turbo

look i jus wana c if theres anyone else out there that sees the potential out of these boats

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i have a 96 sporster but im realy disapointed with yalls modifyd section.
im a big time fabricator, with diesel 2stroke and 4stroke, diesel being my prefrence. ive build 2000hp diesel and 300hp 2strokes with the help of fourms like these. Ive done the searches on here and many other forums. will some one please tell me y yall ant putn the power down with these potential animals.
Motor and dirvetRAIN wise they seam to have the power potential.
THESE BOATS get up on plane nice and quick wats stopin them from gettin in to the raseing. there extreamly stable even at 45mph, i jus dnt under stand,

theres got to be more kats out there like me who want to go faster with wat they got

wats to say with my lil old 717 putin the gtx supercharger on it
or a t1 turbo

look i jus wana c if theres anyone else out there that sees the potential out of these boats


I want to watch your project!

I'm disappointed in your spelling and grammar...

sorry bout the grammer and spellin mr jimmi2lre but i build motors and wrench for a living i dont write books
reply about the thread not that dumb crap
i thought i would have gotten more replys mabe it is my grammer then who knows lol
Well truth is that these 2-strokes don't lend themselves to forced induction. I'd LOVE to see you or someone else make it'd be a pretty cool project to watch.

But, for the money, I think swapping a 4-tec engine would be a better idea and would give more performance potential.

The upgrades most do with their boats are not directly performance related. And if they are, it's more pump mods than engine mods.

So what are your plans with your boat, and what type is it?
Swapping Motors

JoeZ, can you give us more information on swapping out an older 2 stoke engine with a new 4 stroke motor. I would like to hear from people who have done this and in what type of boats.
I'd have to do some searching again, but it has been done. It's not a realistic type swap though, given the value of the boats.

Your boat has twin engines, so it'd be about a conservative $8k to do it...likely more. Figure at least $3500 per complete engine. With prices like that, it's better to just sell your boat and buy a newer one already equipt how you'd like it. Besides, you'll NEVER get the money back out of a swapped boat.

This is why doing this isn't popular....just financially doesn't make sense.
2-stroke + Turbo/Supercharger = Boom

2 strokes relies on ball bearing and light gaz-oil lubrication. Put 50% more torque on those than stock and they'll blow away.

What mod could be nice is to make them rev 8000-9000RPM. But you'll need to modify carbs, exasuth system, port the cylinders... You could also give them more compression with a shaved head.

Then you need to think how hard a marine engine works.

I don't know if it can be done, but a nice modification would be to take a sportster with twin 720 and swap them with twin 951. 170 to 260HP, that would be nice, then again, it'd cost the price of a speedster 4tec supercharged... and not really be a lot faster.
A couple problems, but the big one I see is these are JET boats and you can only push so much water through a pump. If you want a faster machine put a GIANT pump on or maybe a jet engine?? My boat does close to 50mph, that's fast enough for me. I remember my buddies Dad had one of those boards with engines basically a 454 on a the back. Well we jumped it and needless to say I don't know how we didn't flip or die plus it hurt like hell coming back down. But if you do end up putting some crazy engine setup in a hull post it up I love seeing things like that.
i see the big blocks 4 cheap

i see thenm out ther but the thing that they dont have that us seadoo and yamaha guys have is the stability

i can run 40mph and yank the steering wheel on chop an its realy stable for a 15ft boat

if the flow is an issue with these things wat about berkly outdrives there huge!! 80+mph
or are we then getting in to boyency issues
I'd have to do some searching again, but it has been done. It's not a realistic type swap though, given the value of the boats.

Your boat has twin engines, so it'd be about a conservative $8k to do it...likely more. Figure at least $3500 per complete engine. With prices like that, it's better to just sell your boat and buy a newer one already equipt how you'd like it. Besides, you'll NEVER get the money back out of a swapped boat.

This is why doing this isn't popular....just financially doesn't make sense.

BUT my '98 challenger 1800 fits within my garage doors, the newer 4tec boats won't.

ive got friends wi speedster an ther jus as stable i jus dnt understsnd

yall see the river boat races wats stopn the standard seadoo

no one seams that enthused is wat it is
how bout a small berky drive with a 350banchee motor pushn 300hp+
thos numbrs arent unreasonable out of a 4wheeler y noy a jet boat guys

does anyone know
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one thing that you got to realize is hull design can be a pretty big factor with top speed of jet boats. realize that the biggest consumption of horsepower comes from drag. the further out of the water your boat gets, the faster it will go. the problem with a jet drive is that the propulsion system is behind, not below the hull. therefore you can only go so fast before the pump begins to cavitate. So you need the least resistance from the water possible while still being in the water. This is done having small beam and a narrow keel.

That is why all the REALLY REALLY fast boats have propellers. my 5 minute google search shows the fastest jet drive ever at around 140-150 mph.

Anyway the point is you could get that boat up to 1000 hp with a massive berkely jet and have the same top speed as you would with 300hp. If you really want to get some serious speed and plan to replace the pump, i think you'd be way better off switching to a stern drive. you'd probably pickup 15-20mph with that alone, but it'll take you a few minutes to get going.

Just my thoughts pulled out of nowhere, someone please correct me if I'm way off base.
I tried hydrogen injection on my 650 first to give more mileage then I increased to 5lbs thinking blow or go, it pops up on plane in a breath and went to 62 with a 40mph tailwind, I just got to the dock when the sky dumped - no big improvement yet. No more hotrod plans for me, the tanks are out and the carbs are back to stock so my kids can play safely.

i have a 96 sporster but im realy disapointed with yalls modifyd section.
im a big time fabricator, with diesel 2stroke and 4stroke, diesel being my prefrence. ive build 2000hp diesel and 300hp 2strokes with the help of fourms like these. Ive done the searches on here and many other forums. will some one please tell me y yall ant putn the power down with these potential animals.
Motor and dirvetRAIN wise they seam to have the power potential.
THESE BOATS get up on plane nice and quick wats stopin them from gettin in to the raseing. there extreamly stable even at 45mph, i jus dnt under stand,

theres got to be more kats out there like me who want to go faster with wat they got

wats to say with my lil old 717 putin the gtx supercharger on it
or a t1 turbo

look i jus wana c if theres anyone else out there that sees the potential out of these boats


I just happened to run across this thread and wanted to drop in a couple cents worth.

Yes, you can mod these two strokes for a bit more speed. If you want to build a race engine, then sorry, you've come to the wrong forum.

We are a forum that help the everyday rider keep their machine up to snuff, so they can have fun with a dependable engine while on the water.

The Rotax motor is already designed as a high output engine. The patented RAVE valve allows for additional horsepower without any other major modifications.

Other than the reasons I stated, you also will find that not many can troubleshoot a modded engine. We are able to troubleshoot the standard Rotax because all the parts have procedures for us to test and determine what may be wrong. If you mod, there is no way we can help you determine what your problem might be, if we don't have any specifications for it.

Lastly, from my many years of building V8 HO motors (Chevy's), we all know that when you mod out a Rotax, you cut the life span of the engine in half. With the price of parts to just repair the standard engine, trying to replace an expensive part that you modded, would be costly. Also, changing out motors from one horsepower to the next, even though it's possible, isn't feasible due to cost. For the amount of money you'd spend to outfit a ski/boat with a larger motor, you could just buy one used............:auto:
i have a 96 sporster but im realy disapointed with yalls modifyd section.
im a big time fabricator, with diesel 2stroke and 4stroke, diesel being my prefrence. ive build 2000hp diesel and 300hp 2strokes with the help of fourms like these. Ive done the searches on here and many other forums. will some one please tell me y yall ant putn the power down with these potential animals.
Motor and dirvetRAIN wise they seam to have the power potential.
THESE BOATS get up on plane nice and quick wats stopin them from gettin in to the raseing. there extreamly stable even at 45mph, i jus dnt under stand,

theres got to be more kats out there like me who want to go faster with wat they got

wats to say with my lil old 717 putin the gtx supercharger on it
or a t1 turbo

look i jus wana c if theres anyone else out there that sees the potential out of these boats


wanna fast boat buy a eliminator daytona! thats a hull designed for speed, the days of throwing a blower on a vega are gone it was just a goof to see if it could be done. not practical for family fun. these lil seadoos are just that ---funn for families, ask me how i know.
my funnest boat is my seadoo at 55 mph my second funn boat is at 126 mph and $180,000 more money.
Have fun and throw in the big power lets have you be our mod king just make sure you take lots of pics
ive got friends wi speedster an ther jus as stable i jus dnt understsnd

yall see the river boat races wats stopn the standard seadoo

no one seams that enthused is wat it is
how bout a small berky drive with a 350banchee motor pushn 300hp+
thos numbrs arent unreasonable out of a 4wheeler y noy a jet boat guys

does anyone know

I think you don't realize how much there's a world of difference between an ATV engine and a boat engine.

the 300HP Banshee will give you 300HP for 1 second, then you'll shift, or slow down.

the boat engine gives you X HP for a sustained amount of time. and this HP is not limited by engine's RPM but by the resistance on it (propeller or jet pump) so there's always maximum resistance on the engine while it gives you full power. That's a hell lot of stress. Your banshee engine would last 30 seconds maximum. There's a reason why marine/commercial/industrial engines put less power than standard cars engine. That's because they run at full potential for a very long period of time.

you want power? just take a 800CC ski-doo engine. it develop more horsepower than the marine engine. But they barely last in a snowmobile so imagine in a boat!

In a 4 stroke, it's different tho. I think you can put a LOT of HP on those 4tec.
2-stroke + Turbo/Supercharger = Boom

2 strokes relies on ball bearing and light gaz-oil lubrication. Put 50% more torque on those than stock and they'll blow away.

What mod could be nice is to make them rev 8000-9000RPM. But you'll need to modify carbs, exasuth system, port the cylinders... You could also give them more compression with a shaved head.

Then you need to think how hard a marine engine works.

I don't know if it can be done, but a nice modification would be to take a sportster with twin 720 and swap them with twin 951. 170 to 260HP, that would be nice, then again, it'd cost the price of a speedster 4tec supercharged... and not really be a lot faster.

Turboing a 2stroke is not a problem. Been doing it for a few years now on sleds. I wish I didn't sell my NOS system.

Until someone hacks our engine control computers, so that we can control ignition timng, fueling, and change injector size, we may never find out.

One word......... Boondocker. Up here in Canada we have been using boondocker systems to mod the ECU for some time now. You can feed in what fuel and timing you want and given RPM.

I am thinking, because I love my Arctic cats, the new 1200cc turbo with a D&D hyjacker system would make gobs of torque for a boat motor. We are seeing a solid 290hp from this motor. I am for sure going to start looking for one.

Cheers Don.
This thread

This thread is a perfect example of the basic rule of speed: buy a faster toy to begin with and forget the mods.
ive got friends wi speedster an ther jus as stable i jus dnt understsnd

yall see the river boat races wats stopn the standard seadoo

no one seams that enthused is wat it is
how bout a small berky drive with a 350banchee motor pushn 300hp+
thos numbrs arent unreasonable out of a 4wheeler y noy a jet boat guys

does anyone know

First off let me apologize before I even say this. This isn't meant to be an insult.

I have a difficult time trying to read what you type. I have to read and reread your posts to make heads or tails out of them. If you could take an extra minute to proof read your posts to see if the average person could understand what you are trying to convey I am sure more people would respond to your posts.
...if the average person could understand what you are trying to convey....

I think OP's sayin we need to step up to the plate with a few more ponies.

Say replace the ole 3 cylinder with some good ole detroit muscle?

Seaworthiness, schmeaworthiness.

Man I'm old, cause 50+ mph on water is flying.


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Although nice to dream about, these Rotax 780's, were not designed to be extensively modded. Open up one of them, and you can tell that its not really designed for the extra HP and Torque that goes along with the increases. Its a nice easy boat and motor to really work on straight from the factory. Pump mods are the positive sides to this boat

As for a 4 stroke, light'em boys, cause hell is on the water.
In a 4 stroke, it's different tho. I think you can put a LOT of HP on those 4tec.

Until someone hacks our engine control computers, so that we can control ignition timng, fueling, and change injector size, we may never find out.

... One word......... Boondocker. Up here in Canada we have been using boondocker systems to mod the ECU for some time now.
Don, since you quoted me quoting ProbeGT, I must reply. We were talking about the 4tec, and I was talking about adjusting the engine's computer. Boondocker makes piggyback boxes for a few models of snowmobiles, none of which have the 4tec. I see what you were saying, but it doesn't apply to our boats, yet. What I have in mind is something like EFI Live, or HP Tuners, which I use on my GMC truck. It is a tuning program for your laptop that plugs into the OBD II port in my truck, and allows adjustment of all of the engine tuning parameters in the trucks computer. For example: Including the high octane and low octane spark tables, which are the main advance tables that control the spark according to rpm and cylinder air mass, there is a total of 59 other tables pertaining to spark control. There is two pages of tables for idle control. Just two examples.
That is the type of control that I want over my boat's engines before I start performance modding.
Your statement that you have been modding your Canadian ECUs for some time now is misleading, because Boondocker does not support our boats.
You can trim any EFI fuel with a boondocker.

I can't see why you could not call Bombardier and ask for a modded ECU. They flash ECU's all the time for race sleds. You know what you want they will flash it for you. Timing map and EFI fuel flow in 100 rpm increments.

They guys modding the 800cc Doo motor must be nuts then adding a turbo and a good shot of NOS for the turbo lag with a NOS shut off after that big turbo starts making boost.

Anything can be done but the weakest link will be found every time. Been then many times.

Cheers Don.


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