Missing skier/ ski found floating

Hopefully she turns up safe and sound.
Make me start to think about going out alone now.
Can't copy the link for some reason but just seen a update of her body being found, WSB-Tv news was covering the story.
Rode that lake for years before moving further north in GA. That is a busy lake. There is no telling what might have really happened. Was just by that lake buying a ski and noticed it was at full pool, so who knows.

So sad...prayers for Her Family. Tragic loss for them.

People please don't ride alone, or if you do make sure there are plenty of other skiers/boaters around.
I ride alone almost always, BUT, I am NEVER more than 500 yards off shore. or closer. I am ALWAYS within a screaming or whistle's distance of the shore. and I ALWAYS let 2 to 3 other people know WHERE I am going out, and for approximately how long, and that I always make contact before and after being in the water.
That's a big reason it's law that you wear a life vest. Too many things can happen. So people just don't know any better.
I wasn't complaining, just trying to better understand. It is like comparing apples to oranges. Yes the law can often be double sided. But riding on the water carries many unique risks as compared to being on land.
It's a very complex problem. We have a bunch of homeless in our City. Some are homeless by choice, some by circumstance. To some of them, it seems to be a life style choice. No worries, no job, eat for free at the shelter, don't have to be a citizen, drink and drug when ever they want. Then we have the pan handlers that claim to be homeless. ( Most are not ) They are on many street corners pan handling motorists. Working ambulance, I transport them everyday. Most are not even from this City. They just came here because we have all the social services for the homeless. They play the system. The average citizen just sees them as down and out people and hands them money. Which keeps the cycle going.