Bummer you didn't see the oil sticker before you put the oil in. Rule of thumb, you can put synthetic oil into an engine running mineral but never put mineral in a synthetic blend engine.
Like Karl said, they are like oil and water, they do not mix.
I was trying to remember what year your 3D was because the earlier ones used the 787 and the newer models are using the 951.
The new remanufactured engine is the way to go, if it is indeed shot. I'd do a compression test on it first or find out why he said it's gone. If you only put a little in it and didn't run it that long, it seems unlikely that you'd blow the engine that fast.
If so, this guy Glenwhitt is talking about would be my choice in mechanics. Only problem is, depending on how busy he is, he may not want to fool around with the engine change, since there isn't a lot of labor in it, so there is less money to be made in doing it. But someone with a bit of mechanical skills and a few tools can do the engine change. The hardest part is getting it lined back up to the pump if you mess up the shims.
I'd buy a compression test gage from your local auto parts store and do a test on your cylinders to see how much compression you have. The test is simple and will let you know if the guy that said you need a new engine is blowing smoke. You can use our search engine with keywords "compression test" and should lead you to the procedure.
Good luck, let us know what you decide to do.........:cheers: