Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays


Just wanted to take a moment to say thanks to all that make this site as great as it it.

I truly hope that you all are able to be with the ones you love during the holidays.

Be safe, enjoy yourself, and best wishes to a happy New Year.

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Merry Christmas to you Coastie. Hope you have a safe and happy Christmas.

Merry Christmas to everyone here on the Forum. May all your wishes come true. :)
Well, I'm sitting here at 6 am EST, and it's the quiet before the storm. I have 2 young girls, and Santa left a load of junk. I probably only have enough time to get a little coffee in me before the crazy hits.

Merry Christmas !!
Rolled right into my B-Day today. Then New Years,,,, then 350 days or so before it all rolls back around.

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