Make the Beeping Stop ! Ringing in My Ears!

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New Member
Hi Guys / Gals,
I am new to this forum and a new Jet Ski owner as well. I have two Skis .
One 1997 GTI and One 1996 GTI. The 1996 is the one with the trouble, it starts and runs fine while it is hooked up to the water hose , but when it started and ran in water there is a Continuous Beep after about 4 minutes or so ? I lift seat while ski is running in water/beeping and there is little smoke but no heat on the exhaust manifold ? cool to the touch . I blew out all lines in bilge and checked to make sure intake was clean/ which it was . Any help and advice would be appreciated. Looks like a good forum. Look forward to more posts
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Welcome to the seadoo forum h20diver. That continious beeping means that the doo is over heating or the sender on the head is bad and is giving a false over heat condition. On the head of the engine is a sending unit that meters the temp of the engind water temp. as it passes through the head and cylinder. The exhaust won't emit any temp. sending beeps. I would check the sender on the head and see if it is bad if it's beeping and the engine isn't hot.
If your new to seadoos, you might concider joining as a premium member so you can read and view on line as a pdf file, an authenic seadoo repair or operator manual. As a premium member you can also download and print off any or all manuals you want for your own personal and privet use. Click on the link at the top of the page under "seadoo Manuals" for details.
Let us know if we can help with any more information.

Thanks for your post and welcome to the forum. The continous beep your hearing is from your temperature switch. The engine is either running hot or your temperature switch is bad.
I'm inclined to believe you may be running hot since your not getting the beep on land. While connected to the water hose, you are likely suppling enough water pressure to keep it cool enough. In the water, the pressure is being created by the forward momentum and pressure in your cooling water pickup tube is less than that of the water hose.
You could be faced with a build up in one of your cooling water lines or you have blockage somewhere in your water channel in the engine or through the tuned muffler system.
You cannot grab the exhaust system to determine whether the engine is running hot or not. The water comes through the top of the head crossing over to the tuned exhaust. Some is realeased into the muffler and mixed with the exhaust gas to muffle it somewhat but the majority of it follows a circular path around the tuned pipe, preheating the water before it enters the engine block at the exhaust manifold.
You'll need to test your temperature switch and you'd need to investigate the inlet line to the engine to see if there is any blockage.
Again, welcome to the forum.
Thanks Karl,
How do I check the Sending unit ? I am new to this site and thinking about becoming a premier member for the shop downloads. Thanks for your help.
The sender should be infinety or open when it is cold ...get it hot connects the sender to ground(from the head it is attached to ) and it will complete the circuit, making it send a closed circuit.
Thanks Seadoosnipe,
I have blown out all lines in bilge going to engine, specifically the water inlet hose. Maybe the Temp switch is bad ? How would I check that ? Thanks for the welcome and I look forward to more posts.
As Karl said....

It's as Karl said. You can get a pot of water hot on the stove to check it for closed. The sensor isn't set to alarm until the water is over 200 degrees. Which is right near it's got to be hot to check it.
I'm still thinking, because you didn't mention that it was beeping with the water hose hooked up to it, that your temperature switch is good. If your temperature switch was bad, then you'd get the constant buzzer all the time. On land or water.......constantly. If your able to run it without it setting off the buzzer, then you may have more problems. Like I said, hooked up to the water hose, you can force enough water through it to keep it cool. But when you have to use the water pickup tube for your cooling water, then you can't have any obstructions and everything has to work just right. When your running and hooked up to the hose, is there water coming out of the jet pump assembly? If so, that would determine that your water pickup tube is clear...........:cheers:
Yes water comes out of the pump assembly. I talked to a friend who works on seedoos and he said that it was probably a coin line that needed to be blown out ? What is a coin line ? I removed all hoses (water inlet / outlet small plastic tubes going to rear of ski toe eye?) to/from engine blew all of them out and hooked up shop vac to exhaust/ sucked some black debri up ? I also thought it might be a bad fuel/oil mix drained oil (from resevior) and replaced it with new oil.
I have not tried it in water since shop vac tango, need to get some fresh batteries at Wallyworld tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes.
Thanks for all the help and advice,
That line that exits by the tow line indicates that water is present in the engine. If you don't get water from this line than the engine is starved for cooling water. If you try it tomorrow stay close to the dock just incase it is running hot you won't get stranded. Keep us updated on the progress.

Sounds like your touching all the bases then. I've never heard of a water line being referred to as a "coin line" I'm a bit puzzled there. The small line on the exhaust, right by where your main water line is going in goes to your water regulator on the back of the exhaust system. You'll notice it, looks like another RAVE type valve. It's used to add water to the exhaust while at idle speeds.
You've seen water come from your "tell-tale" line out the back, so your getting sufficient cooling water. Is that hole shooting water out of it when your in the water too? Or just on land?
If you'll notice on top of the head, directly by the water outlet from the head, there's a small sensor. That's the temp sensor. You can perform the steps Karl gave and check to see if it works. If it works, then you'll have to go from there. But I think that would be the simplest test to see if your really running hot or not.
h20diver, if you still have problems give me a shout this weekend and we might be able to hook to look at the problem. I am not far away here in Englewood.
Sorry Guys,
Wife was in a car accident possibly totaling our Jeep. I will be busy the next few days but will post on the water flow in any thru the rear passage at tow hook as soon as I get it in the water. Karl Maybe I will give you a call this Sat depending on my new Bus duties. Thanks all for helping .
Oh man, I hope the wife is ok! Let me know when your ready, and we can hook up if you want to look at the problem.

Man, hate to hear it.........the PWC can wait......we'll all be waiting to see how things work out. With your wife that is. We'll all be pulling for a speedy recovery........
Man, hate to hear it.........the PWC can wait......we'll all be waiting to see how things work out. With your wife that is. We'll all be pulling for a speedy recovery........

Louis, do you know something we don't? I think if she was injured it would have been the first words mentioned... or are you talking about the Jeep?

No, I did assume that their may have been some minor injuries, since it was worth the concern to write about it. My bad.
Your excused sir...just don't do it I'm Joking...I'm not serious...ok ill be quiet now...
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