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Maintenance Reminder Light

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Hello. I am a new Seadoo owner and a female that doesn't have a whole lot of knowledge about motors and things like that. But I love my new Doo!! Anyway, while we were out at the lake this weekend the maintenance light began coming on. I wished I knew how to do all of the maintenance things, but I don't. I tried to call the repair shop and there is a 4 1/2 week wait to get in. I have checked the oil and it looks fine and the coolant level is good. That's about the extent to my maintenance knowledge. Should I just not ride it until I get it in 4 weeks from now? That's the rest of the summer! Yikes! Anyway feedback would be greatly appreciated!!!!
How many hours are on it? Does it otherwise appear to be running ok?

The Maintenance Reminder is a preset indicator that normally comes on at certain hourly intervals.... 10 hrs, and then again at every 100 hrs. Other than possibly voiding the factory warning by going too many hours past the maintenance reminder, there's really no harm done by continuing to use it.

- Michael
Does the "MAINT" lite only come on when you first install the key and then go out a few seconds later? If so, then go ahead and use the ski. It's just a reminder that comes on every 50 hours of operation telling you it's time for a oil change. But if it comes on while you're riding then you need to have it looked at.
Listen to Dennis... he has the same watercraft model as you apparently. Mine may not behave exactly the same as your model. :-)

- Michael
Thanks for your responses! I really appreciate them. It has 117 hours on it. The maintenance reminder only comes on when I install the key and then it goes off. So does it sound like it would be safe to schedule the maintenance and then continue to take it out until then. We probably go out about 1 time each week. I also understand I'm going to need to have the supercharger worked on soon. I was planning to do that this winter. Does this maintenance light have anything to do with the supercharger?

Again, I REALLY appreciate your taking your time to respond and for your advice. I want to take care of my Doo, but I am such a novice.
Does this maintenance light have anything to do with the supercharger?

YES! The supercharger is a wear item, and as such it needs rebuilding every 100 hrs of operation (according to SeaDoo's recommendation, some people have gone way past 100 hrs without rebuilding their superchargers but they're playing Russian Roulette with that thing).

Additionally, the supercharger needs to be checked to see if it has ceramic slip washers and if so THOSE need desperately to be replaced... they cause significant expense and frustration when they fail and fall apart inside of the engine! A rebuild kit will probably include upgraded steel slip washers.

If you're only using it about 1 time for a few hours each week, you'll probably be ok for the next 4 weeks or so. The maintenance reminder is only letting you know it's time for scheduled maintenance (the supercharger most specifically), it's not indicating any fault in the engine at this time. Do go ahead and secure that appointment to have it serviced though! The supercharger rebuild by a dealer is NOT cheap. If you have somebody who can pull your supercharger from the engine there are people who can and will rebuild it for much less and do as good a job as the dealership and are themselves reputable and well known in the Seadoo online forums.

- Michael
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Thanks for all of the information. I so wished I would have educated myself a little earlier so I could have gotten on the list for maintenance at the shop earlier, but I guess we live and learn. I definitely want to be safe than sorry so I'm getting it in as soon as possible for maintenance and supercharger rebuild. I appreciate all of your responses! Thanks for helping me to be a better educated Seadoo owner!
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