Maint reminder on 2005 GTX STD

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I am trying to reset this myself. I have read several posts with conflicting information.
When I put lanyard on "Maint" flashes for a few seconds then goes away. When I start it the same . If I don't take lanyard off the post and shut it down, then restart there is no message.

I tried putting lanyard on and when message flashed I press the set button but it still comes on next time i put the lanyard back on. I tried pressing set as soon as it starts with the message flashing but no luck.

I checked for fault codes by pressing set five times and no codes appear - it goes right to "end".

I could swear I reset this once before but maybe I'm thinking of my old RX.

Is there a trick here or do I really need to take it to the shop?

Thanks in advance,
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Well after talking to the dealer - this is in fact a dealer resettable message. They did say this can be done certain days while I wait for only $40 or so.
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