low voltage light comes on and RFI dies

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New Member
Low voltage light on RFI comes on after short rides; followed by limp home mode.

Eventually the unit dies altogether.

At that point the battery has run donw indicating that I was running on battery with no charging system. Recharge of battery will getr me going again only to die after it runs down.

Is there a "most likely" place that I might be losing charging power. i canot really think that my 2002 magneto is shot.

All fuses are fine, and connections appear OK.

I was told to look at the voltage regulator but do not see that on the parts diagrams.

Any ideas?

Jim in Alabama
Most likely is the rectifier. I replied to your post in the other thread with slightly more details, but you'll need to test to make sure then you can pick up a new one on ebay.
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