How to make money.....
Yeah you would think the Seadoo engineers know a thing or two about there engines and set-ups dude??? Replace the plastic tube....or you could suck up another rope and mess it up even more "engine" especially if you were to run over the rope at a good rpm. Or you could listen to "that guy" "you don't need to replace it"..
Yeah, your right, .......Seadoo R&D engineers know a lot about these engines. Thats why they are the best running engines on the market. But, I should point out, that part is not related to the engine.
At some point, there is some guy sitting around saying, "hey, we're making things so well, nothing is breaking, we're not making money on our parts". So, this guy comes up with the idea that we could put shaft protectors on, so when they crack from hitting a piece of wood or any other object that might be deflected, it cracks them. Then, the owner worries themselves to death trying to decide, leave it or replace it.
You see this all the time in the automotive industry. When my wife gets out of her car, the radio antennae drops inside the frame of the car. Sure, it's a way to protect the antennae from being broken by some kid. But, I'm not blowing the bucks to replace it, just to have it go out again (moneymaker). The cigarette lighters in the newer cars now have a fuse link inside them. If you plug a cell phone charger into it, it might pop a fuse. This fuse link is in the bottom of that ligher socket. You have to replace it if you want it to work again. Why couldn't they just put a fuse link on the outside of the wiring circuit? (moneymaker). The hinge and spring system they used on hoods back in the day worked well. I had an old truck, when I opened the hood, it would stay open while I worked on it; never fell on my head. My wifes Taurus has the new hydraulic pistons that are suppose to hold it open when I want to work under the hood. Well, they stopped working after the second year I owned the car and while changing the air filter, the hood dropped on my head. Since they weren't that big a deal in cost, I replaced them. Within a year, I lifted the hood, just to watch it fall shut again. Now, I use a stick to hold it up! Why did they change from a proven hinge and spring system, known for work for the life of the car/truck? (moneymaker).
I could go on and on about what these corporations do to make changes to things they found would last forever. If they last forever, their parts industry would go belly up. So, they make these designs on crap we don't need and what breaks easily. That way, we continue to replace it, paying them each time we do, and it's all profit for them because there could not have been that much money go into the development of that plastic tube........:rant: