Looking for UMI for X4

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This is why I posted this, nobody responded, luckily I found one that's mint for $450 with vts, and finger throttle.
That's a steal!
I lucked out, I guess being patient pays off.
My guesses....

1. There usually isn't enough demand at one time to get enough pre-orders, so then.....
2. Nobody wants to cough up the cash up front to do a full run and then have to sit on them...but
3. A group should get together and split that cost, but nobody wants to do that either.
4. Those that make money off used parts don't want them reproduced because margins are lower unless they sell for way higher than the used price.

You mis-numbered your list.

1.The wife, girlfriend, fiancee said NO, we're not wasting $500 on that.

You know that's right....right?
I'm the kinda guy who would throw down a couple/few grand to have some made if I felt that I could come out ahead in the long run. I'm not looking for investors/partners/deposits, don't need the expectations and questions. I'd like to do it for the other X4 improvers out there but if it does not make sense financially it will be drawn up and stop there. Sometimes the prices I'm paying for custom water jet billet parts are good and sometimes not so good so we'll just have to see.

As far as all the "men" out there living life in accordance with some chick's decisions.... I feel sorry and embarassed for them.
Hey, leave Suke out of this :)

LOL, all I'm saying is many people have budgets they have to stick to with weekly/monthly spending, like mortgages, rent, car payments, child support, health insurance, retirement, vacations etc... so it might not be her decision, just the one saying no because she knows they can't afford a billet steering stem. When I wasn't responsible........75% of the time I spent 90% of my paycheck on my car. All my toys come from side money, nothing comes from my paycheck anymore and if the chit hits the fan the toys all go. Hell, I want $(a stupid amount) worth of headlights and tail lights for my GTI, but I know that's insane. That's if suspension doesn't get in their way first. Eventually I will have them, all of them, LOL.
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