You would have to pay a monthly service charge to this site in order to use the classifieds..... I have not tried it, so I cant say if its good or bad. I think your best bet is craigslist. Maybe you could ask a paid member to check for you, but that would probably be against the rules. Anyway, its unlikely that you will find a cheap hull that is in good shape. You would be better off fixing yours. Hull damage is actually not hard to fix. I helped fix a jet ski that had dozens of holes in the hull, ranging from golf ball size to pumpkin size. All you need is a can of fiberglass resin, and some fiberglass mat. There are two types of fiberglass mat - one is a woven material similar to cloth, the other is VERY loosely woven. The cloth type is much easier to use, and stronger. If you have the materials on the beach, you could punch a hole in the hull the size of an apple, and have it repaired and back in the water in 15 minutes. The resin dries in minutes. But you probably already knew all that. Have a nice day.