Looking at 2017 Spark/what to look for?


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Hello, I’m going on Saturday with my brother in law to look at a 2017 Spark 2 up. The ad says 60HP and says 68 hours. I’m very familiar with the 2 stroke seadoo’s but the 4 stroke, not at all. What are some things I should be looking at wem looking it over? Any common issues with them? They are allowing us to water test it, so that’s a good sign. With my limited knowledge with these machines I was simply going to test ride it, make sure it reaches a decent top speed, thinking that should be about 50mph? Make sure there is no cavitation, good out of the hole but other than that and just looking it over I really don’t know what to look for.
The 90 hp will only go around 50-52, the 60 hp will be around 40-42. On the sparks you can't really get a good look at the engine but you should check the oil and look in the best you can looking for corrosion and oil leaks. More importantly, it should idle and run well as you mentioned.
The 90 hp will only go around 50-52, the 60 hp will be around 40-42. On the sparks you can't really get a good look at the engine but you should check the oil and look in the best you can looking for corrosion and oil leaks. More importantly, it should idle and run well as you mentioned.
Thank you, what about maintenance? I like to do all my own mechanical work if I can, are they hard to winterize? Would I be able to change the wear ring myself with a manual and a little guidance on here? Anything else you can think of? I never want to go to the dealership.
Maintenance is fairly simple and pulling the deck off is pretty simple, just takes a little time. Wear ring and impeller changes are also pretty simple. The spark, in general, is a simple ski to work on and maintain and is similar to winterize as all the 4 strokes.
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You have to have the maptuner system which is about $500 in addition to the $349 license but this can get you to 110hp.
To get to 90, it is simpler process and there are people that can do this for not a lot of money.
I guess we will find out tomorrow when we go to look at this 2017 2up spark but are they more stable than a 94XP? It’s my brother in law who may be purchasing this, he finds his 94XP to unstable. I will admit that I find my 95XP is more stable than his 94.