Yesterday after the ride on my 2015 GTX IS 260 I noticed coolant leak coming off the ride plate. Not much but enough for me to see it. I tighten the drain plug which was loose a little and tighten the other four screws holding the ride plate to the body. This morning I noticed it is no longer leaking.
Q: Is there suppose to be coolant in the ride plate or do I have a leak somewhere? Don't see coolant in the hull area but its so cramped in there.
Q:Is this going to be a ongoing issue every time after riding? Dealer about 1 hr away each way.
Q: Is there suppose to be coolant in the ride plate or do I have a leak somewhere? Don't see coolant in the hull area but its so cramped in there.
Q:Is this going to be a ongoing issue every time after riding? Dealer about 1 hr away each way.