Lebron Goes Back to Cleveland...

Spimothy Leary

Well-Known Member




a photo of the Miami Head Band Wagon.


and last but not least... A preview of Opening night crowd in Miami next season...

I was honestly goin to make a thread about this.

Honestly, it's the coolest thing I have seen in sports in a while, he manned up, knew he had made a mistake, and wants to bring a championship to his hometown. How cool is that? Dude has grown up alot

actually I think its great that he went back to Ohio.

not sure if Miami made a great decision paying Bosh so much but Time will tell, I get the chance to see a lot of Mia games on TV due to sun sports, so i'd prefer that they don't suck.
Hey I posted this first! I am a true Cleveland Cav fan. I can't wait! The first game the place will be nuts!
It is sad that a single person is worth so much. Not just his pay, but ticket sales and concessions and what not. That said, I am glad he came back. It will help the economy and the moral.

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One of my favorite Labron jokes: Little kid comes up to Labron asks him for change for a dollar. Labron gives him 3 quarters. The little kid says hey! You shorted me! Labron says: Sorry, I don't have no 4th quarter.