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Knocking sound at idle and almost quit without throttle

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Taking our 95 sp out of the lake today. Started fairly easy considering it was sitting for a month but when riding it to the ramp I thought I heard a very very slight metal rattling. At the ramp I had to wait and when I re started it, it was making a knocking sound until I gave it gas and it almost died. Got it home and it is leaking gas from the carb not sure exactly from where yet. Guessing that’s why it almost died but not sure if that would cause the knocking and other noises. Any advice/tips would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
I highly doubt the rattling is from your carb, usually the props do this out of the water ( which you would already know yourself). On the other hand, that noise could indicate engine proplems. For that fuel leak, it's easier to start at the fuel pickup, then the fuel selector, then the fuel filter, and then the hoses at the carb. You may have to remove the air box to get a better view, a mirror may also be helpful. You may have either a loose hose at the carb or a crack or cut in a line. It's also possible of course that one or more of the screws on the carb have come loose( rare) ,The inlet hose to the carb can be partially loose, since it is in an awkward hidden position, and can easily be tightened without the clamp actually being on the inlet fitting ( having done that myself) .
I’ve removed the air box and checked out the fuel lines which are all only 2 years old. None are damaged or loose that I could tell from a quick check, it looked like it was coming from the bottom of the carb. I’m most worried about the knocking sound though. In the water It only does it at idle not at higher rpm, and only for a second on cold starts. It’s after the ski has been run then shut off for say a few minutes then started again and it makes the knocking and seems like it is about to quit
The knocking is not causing it to nearly quit but a result of it. When you get that carb holding pop off pressure (and this is a MUST before your ride or you go BOOM! potentially) again you can adjust your low speed mixture and mechanical idle screw to get it smoothed out. It the vibration of the low idle that makes the knocking noise. Usually it's the waterbox against the inside of the hull.
The knocking is not causing it to nearly quit but a result of it. When you get that carb holding pop off pressure (and this is a MUST before your ride or you go BOOM! potentially) again you can adjust your low speed mixture and mechanical idle screw to get it smoothed out. It the vibration of the low idle that makes the knocking noise. Usually it's the waterbox against the inside of the hull.

Had a feeling the carb adjustments might have something to do with it. We’re storing it for the winter so I was just planning on getting the gas out of the Hull then winterizing it and I’ll fix it come spring time. Thank you for the helpful advice!
Did you find the leak? If that is a 720 , the motor mounts are known to bend and or come loose. Try rocking the motor from side to side. Sometimes, the air box will hit the hull.
Did you find the leak? If that is a 720 , the motor mounts are known to bend and or come loose. Try rocking the motor from side to side. Sometimes, the air box will hit the hull.

It’s a 587. And the motor felt solid. It’s more than likely the idle and low speed screws because as soon as I gave it gas the knocking sound stops.
Pull the spark plug caps. Cut the wires back 1/4 inch, replace caps. I usually index the caps with whiteout, and put some grease on the wire.( so that you know you pressed the caps in 1/4 inch). A motor That is missing, with shaky mounts could hit the hull. Also, instead of draining the tank. I just fill the tank with the highest octane possible( not race fuel) ,,that fuel doesn't decompose like regular fuel, and filling the tank prevents condensation. Add in a can of stabil and you are set for spring. That's easier than draining the tank. Another move, is to add a bottle of water dispersant, ( or rubbing alcohol) .
Seadoo's will clunk and rattle, period. They are the only skis that use splined shafts on the engine side and the impeller side and floating thrust bearings in the pump. This causes a lot of play in the driveline and when the impeller is spinning slow there is not enough force on the splines or the thrust bearing so it clunks and rattles at idle.

The easiest fix other than just ignoring it is to turn the idle up a couple hundred rpm's and it will all but go away int he water. Noting will get rid of the rattle on the trailer.
Seadoo's will clunk and rattle, period. They are the only skis that use splined shafts on the engine side and the impeller side and floating thrust bearings in the pump. This causes a lot of play in the driveline and when the impeller is spinning slow there is not enough force on the splines or the thrust bearing so it clunks and rattles at idle.

The easiest fix other than just ignoring it is to turn the idle up a couple hundred rpm's and it will all but go away int he water. Noting will get rid of the rattle on the trailer.

Ok that’s good to know that it’s normal for these skis to clunk and rattle. Will definitely fix the gas leak and then play with idle adjustments in the spring to see if I can get it to not rattle as much in the water. Thank you!
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