jet skier drowns in Allegheny River

Yep... that's been on the news the last couple mornings. The story is... the passenger who died had on a life jacket, but it wasn't latched. (Stupid)
What's really sad is that this happened 2 days ago and they've yet to find him. I grew up 1 mile from where this happened and the river there is fairly deep and not very easy to see in for searching purposes. Very sad.
If the PFD does not fit properly or it isn't latched, it is worse than have one on. It literally aides to drowning you.

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Always a sad note to hear of these sort of things but it's not rocket science either the PFDs are for a reason I always make sure any passenger/driver of my ski is snugged up tight as with a proper fitting pfd.
I know this sounds like I'm beating a dead horse, but I wonder if the driver and passenger had taken a boating safety course. One of the things they stress very highly is the use, testing, and fit of PFD's. No matter what the cause still very sad.

Pretty much same thing happened to newbie boaters who bought my friends boat here, water conditions was absolute shocking, boat full of PFDs, none being worn they was out at night time and was hit side on by a wave which sent both overboard sadly to say 1 person lost his life as the boat came to shore empty ( goast ship) 2 guys on the beach at the time took the boat out and recovered the other passenger barely alive.