Back to the original poster.....
Your friend MAY HAVE pulled a skier with 25 hp... but I'm sure it wasn't fun, or easy. Also... did he say what kind of boat? if it was a 16' john boat (high flotation) and the skier was light, on 2 fat skis.... yes... I'm sure he gout out of the water. (and went 10 mph)
Honestly... it's a bad comparison.
As Lou said... there are some changes in efficacy's. But, I wouldn't go as far as to say a prop is MORE efficient.
Here's the deal.....
1) There is more "Thrust" area. The physical diameter is larger for any given HP. That gives more physical "Pull".
2) Lower pitch. (in general) This also gives more pull at lower RPM's.
Note: The 2 above situations will give WAY more pull than any jet drive will ever develop. Also... it will help develop good speed on hulls that kind of suck. (like an old tri-hull) But, the more pull you are looking for, will scrub top speed off. It's the same as putting your car in a lower gear.
Jet Drive:
1) Smaller thrust area. But, because of that... you can turn more RPM's.
2) Higher pitch. Built for high speed.
3) The impeller is in a housing that necks down, to increase water velocity. When running on plane... the nozzle is out of the water, so it's not "Pushing" on anything. (like the prop) This is a pure action/reaction situation.
Note: the design of a jet pump doesn't come into it's own until the RPM's are high, and the boat is on step. Also... thrust is developed via the square or the RPM. ie... you will only make 20% thrust at 50% RPM. It's not linier like with a prop. But a jet drive can always (potentially) develop more top speed.
OK... here's a great example... My Islandia.
I have the 240 hp sport jet. My big-ass boat can hit 50 mph with only me on it, and minimal gear. Huricame builds a similar boat that uses an outboard. I've seen them with the 250 Opti. (10 more HP, and 500cc's larger) and they only hit 38~40 mph. Without a doubt, the outboard will jump out of the water better, and tow a couple skiers without an issue. AND get better MPG's at mid throttle. But, I can go faster over all, and I don't have to worry about logs that are under the water. (since I draft only 12" and the hurricane drafts +26")
OK... I know that's not an exact answer... but it's all what you want to do with the boat. You never see competition ski boats with a jet drive. Heck... you don't see them with an outboard, or I/O either. But, they use a prop that is WELL under the water. (for torque) But then again... you never see a comp ski boat trying to run in the shallows, or make a high speed pass.
I like jet drives... but no... they aren't the best at towing, because by the time they develop real pressure... you are going faster than most skier's want to go.
OK... with ALL that said... I had a highly massaged Sportster (single 95 hp 720 engine) and I had no issues pulling a wake board, or tube.
I know... too much info. But it's just the facts.