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Is previously submerged 94 SeaDoo XP worth hassle?

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New Member
Greetings. I received an offer today for a free 1994 SeaDoo XP twin carb model that was submerged for about 2 days. This happened a few years ago and since then it has been sitting on a dock. Gentlemen told me I could have the ski for free if I would just tote it off. My question is, what kind of hassle and expense could be expected to get this thing running again and is it even worth the effort? Should I just try to sell it for parts or something? It's a great looking ski for a 94 and spent most of it's life in a covered boat house. Owner says it was running fine when it sank at the dock and has no idea why it sank.

One other thing, I guess I will have to tow it to the boat ramp with my boat... what if it wants to sink again? Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated! :)
get it, inspect the drive shaft assy seal,could've leaked from there. Become premium member, download ur yr/mdl ski for 11 buks, then cancel after the month.
If anything, like you said, part it out, if fed up w/ it...
My theory is if it looks good, then its worth saving.
You may have to spend a few $'s to get it going.
But I think it is worth it to have a nice example of an older ski!
Thanks for the advice

I'm considering downloading a manual and just diving in. I have been wanting to learn about engines for sometime so this could be a good way and cheap. I don't know if it's very realistic though. I have very limited mechanical experience. Anyone ever tackled such a project with no/limited experience? Are the online manuals that helpful that I could honestly expect to get this thing running? Thanks again for the help. I think I'm going to snag the ski this weekend.
Go for it!

I'd say go for it! It's a free ski and it'd be a good learning experience if you have the room and the time. Don't set your expectations really high thinking you'll have her in the water in 2 weeks, but instead just take your time.

With anything electrical that's been submerged - don't power up anything unless you're absolutely sure that the components have been completely dried and are moisture-free. Check that the electrical connections haven't corroded and replace if necessary. Get a new battery - the old one is probably done. Oh...oil and grease what you can, things like cables and linkages.

Also before you fire up the engine make sure that there isn't any water in the cylinders or engine tubes (mufflers, intakes, etc.). Last thing you want is hydro-lock since liquid cannot be compressed.

Finally, have fun and keep us all posted!

Rusted crank....?

I know this sounds funny but, the ski would have been better off submerged in the water until they were ready to clean it out and run it.

When they pulled it up, drained the water without running it, they only allowed air to come in contact with all the metal surfaces and bearings. By now, the crank and roller bearings are rusted up pretty good. I doubt it'll run that easy.

If you can turn the crank counterclockwise by hand, with no noised or restriction, you may have something to work with.

Outside that, I'm sure you can part it out and make a bit of good money on it. Especially if the MPEM is good. The pump has pretty good value to it, along with the exhaust system, head cover and casings.......

If the mag is still good, you might get a penny on it too........:cheers:
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